

2023 ECC Labor Day Cup

Sep 1 - 4, 2023
East Haven, CT • Hamden, CT • Northford, CT
SportsEngine Tourney

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Springfield Pics

16U Champion

Fri Sep 1, 2023 - Mon Sep 4, 2023

Pool Standings

Team W L T P
Springfield Pics 5 0 0 10 14 17 3
Elite Hockey Academy 3 1 1 7 8 18 10
MassConn 3 1 0 6 2 10 8
Hartford Jr. Wolfpack 2 1 1 5 11 20 9
Arrows Hockey 2 2 0 4 7 13 6
NJ Colonials 2 2 0 4 -4 13 17
Hamden 1 3 0 2 -5 6 11
CT Chiefs 1 3 0 2 -5 6 11
Western Mass Vipers 1 3 0 2 -10 11 21
95 Giants 0 4 0 0 -18 3 21


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Friday, September 01, 2023
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P4 1:20 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - Red Elite Hockey Academy (16U)
2 2 Hartford Jr. Wolfpack (16U)
P2 2:30 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - White Hamden (16U)
1 4 MassConn (16U)
P1 2:50 PM East Haven Springfield Pics (16U)
1 0 Arrows Hockey (16U)
P5 7:50 PM East Haven CT Chiefs (16U)
1 3 NJ Colonials (16U)
P3 8:50 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - Blue Western Mass Vipers (16U)
3 2 95 Giants (16U)
Saturday, September 02, 2023
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P6 8:00 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - Blue 95 Giants (16U)
1 8 Hartford Jr. Wolfpack (16U)
P7 9:30 AM East Haven Hamden (16U)
1 2 Springfield Pics (16U)
P8 9:50 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - Red NJ Colonials (16U)
1 6 Elite Hockey Academy (16U)
P9 10:00 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - White MassConn (16U)
4 2 CT Chiefs (16U)
P10 11:10 AM East Haven Western Mass Vipers (16U)
1 7 Arrows Hockey (16U)
P11 2:40 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - White Arrows Hockey (16U)
4 0 CT Chiefs (16U)
P12 2:40 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - Blue NJ Colonials (16U)
1 6 Hartford Jr. Wolfpack (16U)
P13 4:30 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - Red Elite Hockey Academy (16U)
5 0 MassConn (16U)
P14 5:40 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - White Springfield Pics (16U)
7 0 95 Giants (16U)
P15 6:10 PM Northford Ice Pavilion - Red Hamden (16U)
4 3 Western Mass Vipers (16U)
Sunday, September 03, 2023
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P16 7:50 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - White Springfield Pics (16U)
4 2 Arrows Hockey (16U)
P17 8:00 AM Hamden MassConn (16U)
2 0 Hamden (16U)
P18 8:10 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - Red Hartford Jr. Wolfpack (16U)
4 5 Elite Hockey Academy (16U)
Semifinal (OT)
P19 9:40 AM Hamden Western Mass Vipers (16U)
4 8 NJ Colonials (16U)
P20 11:10 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - White CT Chiefs (16U)
3 0 95 Giants (16U)
P21 11:20 AM Northford Ice Pavilion - Blue Springfield Pics (16U)
3 0 Elite Hockey Academy (16U)