
Tournament Note

16 & Under

Battle in the Burgh

Jul 5 - 7, 2024
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool P
Team W L T
Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff 3 0 1 23 6
Silver Creek Piper 07 3 1 0 38 8
PA CROSSFIRE 3 1 0 26 13
PA Revolution 08 2 0 2 36 17
St. Mary's Pounders 2 2 0 16 18
Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley 1 2 1 17 26
Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U 1 3 0 12 25
West Hills -08 1 3 0 19 37
The Lightning 08 0 4 0 6 43
Pool Q
Team W L T
Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 4 0 0 19 7
Viking Softball 2 1 1 14 7
Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U 2 1 1 17 9
Power Surge Goulding 2 2 0 26 13
Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold 2 2 0 13 17
Rock Gold 1 3 0 17 22
Racers 08 - Bailey 0 4 0 8 39
Pool R
Team W L T
Cincy Doom National - Barnes 3 1 0 26 9
Devil Dogs 08 2 0 2 15 5
Reapers 26/27 2 1 1 16 20
PA Revolution Keuhn 2 2 0 19 22
Oleany Synergy - Henning 1 2 1 21 12
Silvercreek Alfano 1 2 1 6 14
Coatesville Lady Steel 1 2 1 5 14
PA Renegades 16u Pinneri 1 3 0 9 21
Pool S
Team W L T
Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 4 0 0 28 5
Steel City Athletics 15U Williams 4 0 0 29 6
Pittsburgh Pride Smith 2 2 0 14 17
Racers07 - Miller 2 2 0 17 22
PA Dirtbags 16U 1 3 0 23 32
South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek 1 3 0 21 26
Power_Funwela 0 4 0 3 27
Pool T
Team W L T
Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm 4 0 0 35 7
AC River's Fury 26/27 3 1 0 32 14
Athletix 15 U 3 1 0 20 14
PA Renegades 08 Tatters 2 2 0 31 12
Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u 2 2 0 19 14
B2Bulls - Cicero 0 4 0 4 27
South Hills Elite 16U Bradford 0 4 0 2 55


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Friday, July 05, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Rock Gold (Pool Q)
4 5 Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold (Pool Q)
P8 8:00 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S)
5 0 Pittsburgh Pride Smith (Pool S)
P19 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Viking Softball (Pool Q)
3 3 Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U (Pool Q)
P40 8:00 AM Green Valley - Field 6 Silvercreek Alfano (Pool R)
1 0 Oleany Synergy - Henning (Pool R)
P23 9:20 AM Green Valley - Field 6 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
2 0 Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
P46 9:20 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
8 0 B2Bulls - Cicero (Pool T)
P67 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 PA CROSSFIRE (Pool P)
10 5 West Hills -08 (Pool P)
P68 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P)
3 2 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
P72 9:20 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Pittsburgh Pride Smith (Pool S)
0 7 Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
P9 10:40 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
7 0 Power_Funwela (Pool S)
P11 10:40 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 B2Bulls - Cicero (Pool T)
2 6 Athletix 15 U (Pool T)
P37 10:40 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold (Pool Q)
1 2 Viking Softball (Pool Q)
P57 10:40 AM Green Valley - Field 6 PA Renegades 16u Pinneri (Pool R)
1 3 Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R)
P7 12:00 PM Green Valley - Field 7 Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
7 3 Silvercreek Alfano (Pool R)
P17 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
2 10 West Hills -08 (Pool P)
P36 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U (Pool Q)
1 4 Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
P53 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Rock Gold (Pool Q)
11 1 Racers 08 - Bailey (Pool Q)
P58 12:00 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Oleany Synergy - Henning (Pool R)
2 2 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
P59 12:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
7 8 PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S)
P14 1:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 PA CROSSFIRE (Pool P)
11 3 St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P)
P21 1:20 PM Green Valley - Field 6 PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R)
5 3 PA Renegades 16u Pinneri (Pool R)
P29 1:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Athletix 15 U (Pool T)
7 5 PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
P33 1:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
9 2 The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
P6 2:40 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Reapers 26/27 (Pool R)
2 2 Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R)
P27 2:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Power_Funwela (Pool S)
2 4 Racers07 - Miller (Pool S)
P69 2:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Racers 08 - Bailey (Pool Q)
2 12 Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q)
P10 4:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S)
6 7 Racers07 - Miller (Pool S)
P18 4:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q)
5 7 Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
P25 4:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
1 4 Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S)
P38 4:00 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Reapers 26/27 (Pool R)
7 4 PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R)
P48 4:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff (Pool P)
4 4 PA Revolution 08 (Pool P)
P12 5:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm (Pool T)
7 1 Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u (Pool T)
P16 5:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P)
1 9 Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P)
P73 5:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High South Hills Elite 16U Bradford (Pool T)
0 17 AC River's Fury 26/27 (Pool T)
P30 6:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u (Pool T)
12 0 South Hills Elite 16U Bradford (Pool T)
P45 6:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm (Pool T)
12 2 AC River's Fury 26/27 (Pool T)
P65 6:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 PA Revolution 08 (Pool P)
11 11 Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P)
P76 6:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P)
1 2 Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff (Pool P)
Saturday, July 06, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P49 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P)
P50 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 West Hills -08 (Pool P)
0 8 St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P)
P51 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P)
11 1 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
P60 8:00 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
6 0 Racers07 - Miller (Pool S)
P64 8:00 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 B2Bulls - Cicero (Pool T)
2 5 Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u (Pool T)
P3 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U (Pool Q)
10 0 Racers 08 - Bailey (Pool Q)
P42 9:20 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
8 5 South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
P47 9:20 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u (Pool T)
1 5 Athletix 15 U (Pool T)
P54 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
6 1 Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold (Pool Q)
P55 9:20 AM Green Valley - Field 6 PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R)
3 7 Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
P70 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Viking Softball (Pool Q)
9 1 Rock Gold (Pool Q)
P5 10:40 AM Green Valley - Field 6 PA Renegades 16u Pinneri (Pool R)
4 1 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
P31 10:40 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 PA Revolution 08 (Pool P)
P32 10:40 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P)
2 5 Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P)
P34 10:40 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P)
17 4 West Hills -08 (Pool P)
P71 10:40 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Racers07 - Miller (Pool S)
6 8 South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
P4 12:00 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Oleany Synergy - Henning (Pool R)
5 7 PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R)
P15 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff (Pool P)
9 0 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
P20 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold (Pool Q)
6 5 Racers 08 - Bailey (Pool Q)
P28 12:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High AC River's Fury 26/27 (Pool T)
8 0 B2Bulls - Cicero (Pool T)
P52 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q)
2 3 Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U (Pool Q)
P1 1:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
2 0 Viking Softball (Pool Q)
P35 1:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Rock Gold (Pool Q)
1 7 Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q)
P39 1:20 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
12 1 PA Renegades 16u Pinneri (Pool R)
P44 1:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Power_Funwela (Pool S)
0 6 Pittsburgh Pride Smith (Pool S)
P74 1:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Athletix 15 U (Pool T)
2 6 Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm (Pool T)
P75 1:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
1 16 PA Revolution 08 (Pool P)
P26 2:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Pittsburgh Pride Smith (Pool S)
8 5 PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S)
P41 2:40 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R)
8 0 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
P66 2:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff (Pool P)
8 1 The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
P22 4:00 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Oleany Synergy - Henning (Pool R)
14 2 Reapers 26/27 (Pool R)
P62 4:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High AC River's Fury 26/27 (Pool T)
5 2 PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
P24 5:20 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R)
2 2 Silvercreek Alfano (Pool R)
P61 5:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S)
10 1 Power_Funwela (Pool S)
P63 5:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm (Pool T)
10 2 South Hills Elite 16U Bradford (Pool T)
P13 6:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
16 0 South Hills Elite 16U Bradford (Pool T)
P43 6:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S)
4 10 Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S)
P56 6:40 PM Green Valley - Field 6 Reapers 26/27 (Pool R)
5 0 Silvercreek Alfano (Pool R)
Sunday, July 07, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B2 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 [4] Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q)
10 1 [3] Reapers 26/27 (Pool R)
B3 8:00 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 [4] PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R)
7 0 [3] PA CROSSFIRE (Pool P)
B5 8:00 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High [4] Racers07 - Miller (Pool S)
6 4 [3] Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U (Pool Q)
B24 8:00 AM Green Valley - Field 6 [5] PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S)
5 4 [8] PA Renegades 16u Pinneri (Pool R)
B4 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 [2] AC River's Fury 26/27 (Pool T)
1 3 [5] St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P)
B22 9:20 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 [5] Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold (Pool Q)
1 4 [9] The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
B25 9:20 AM Green Valley - Field 6 [6] Rock Gold (Pool Q)
0 5 [7] Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
B28 9:20 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High [6] Silvercreek Alfano (Pool R)
0 7 [7] Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
B29 9:20 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 [6] B2Bulls - Cicero (Pool T)
1 5 [7] Power_Funwela (Pool S)
B1 10:40 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 [4] PA Revolution 08 (Pool P)
5 0 [1] Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm (Pool T)
B6 10:40 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High [2] Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S)
10 2 [5] Oleany Synergy - Henning (Pool R)
B7 10:40 AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 [4] PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
2 1 [3] Pittsburgh Pride Smith (Pool S)
B23 10:40 AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 [6] Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P)
18 2 [7] South Hills Elite 16U Bradford (Pool T)
B26 10:40 AM Green Valley - Field 6 [5] Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u (Pool T)
1 9 [8] West Hills -08 (Pool P)
B9 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q)
2 7 [1] Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
B10 12:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R)
4 6 [1] Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
B12 12:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Racers07 - Miller (Pool S)
2 7 [1] Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
B27 12:00 PM Green Valley - Field 6 [6] South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
5 4 [7] Racers 08 - Bailey (Pool Q)
B33 12:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
5 2 Power_Funwela (Pool S)
B8 1:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High [3] Athletix 15 U (Pool T)
4 5 [2] Viking Softball (Pool Q)
B13 1:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 [2] Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P)
7 6 Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S)
B30 1:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
11 2 Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P)
B31 1:20 PM Green Valley - Field 6 PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S)
2 6 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
B11 2:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P)
1 11 [2] Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R)
B14 2:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High [1] Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff (Pool P)
2 3 PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
B15 2:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 PA Revolution 08 (Pool P)
2 4 Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
B17 2:40 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1 Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
5 4 Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P)
B32 2:40 PM Green Valley - Field 6 West Hills -08 (Pool P)
2 5 South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
B16 4:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
1 0 Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R)
B18 4:00 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T)
1 9 Viking Softball (Pool Q)
B34 4:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 The Lightning 08 (Pool P)
0 7 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
B35 4:00 PM Green Valley - Field 6 South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S)
3 9 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
B19 5:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
7 5 Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q)
B20 5:20 PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R)
0 2 Viking Softball (Pool Q)
B36 6:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R)
6 7 Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
B21 8:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S)
5 6 Viking Softball (Pool Q)


16U Platinum
16U Gold
Viking Softball (Pool Q)
Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P)
Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S) - 5
B21 - Sun 7/7 8:00PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
Viking Softball (Pool Q) - 6
Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R) - 0
B20 - Sun 7/7 5:20PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
Viking Softball (Pool Q) - 2
[4] PA Revolution 08 (Pool P) - 5
B1 - Sun 7/7 10:40AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
[1] Steel City Athletics 15U - Ferree/Hamm (Pool T) - 0
[2] Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P) - 7
B13 - Sun 7/7 1:20PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1
Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S) - 6
Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R) - 5
B17 - Sun 7/7 2:40PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1
Silver Creek Piper 07 (Pool P) - 4
PA Revolution 08 (Pool P) - 2
B15 - Sun 7/7 2:40PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S) - 4
[1] Ohio Wolfpack- Wolff (Pool P) - 2
B14 - Sun 7/7 2:40PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T) - 3
PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T) - 1
B18 - Sun 7/7 4:00PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
Viking Softball (Pool Q) - 9
PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R) - 4
B10 - Sun 7/7 12:00PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
[1] Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q) - 6
Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q) - 1
B16 - Sun 7/7 4:00PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R) - 0
[4] Racers07 - Miller (Pool S) - 6
B5 - Sun 7/7 8:00AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
[3] Empire State Huskies Long Island 16U (Pool Q) - 4
Racers07 - Miller (Pool S) - 2
B12 - Sun 7/7 12:00PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
[1] Cincy Doom National - Barnes (Pool R) - 7
St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P) - 1
B11 - Sun 7/7 2:40PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
[2] Devil Dogs 08 (Pool R) - 11
Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q) - 2
B9 - Sun 7/7 12:00PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
[1] Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S) - 7
Ohio USSSA Pride Blue 07 (Pool S) - 7
B19 - Sun 7/7 5:20PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
Silver Creek Colatriano 16 25-26 (Pool Q) - 5
[2] Steel City Athletics 15U Williams (Pool S) - 10
B6 - Sun 7/7 10:40AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
[5] Oleany Synergy - Henning (Pool R) - 2
[4] PA Renegades 08 Tatters (Pool T) - 2
B7 - Sun 7/7 10:40AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1
[3] Pittsburgh Pride Smith (Pool S) - 1
[3] Athletix 15 U (Pool T) - 4
B8 - Sun 7/7 1:20PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
[2] Viking Softball (Pool Q) - 5
[4] PA Revolution Keuhn (Pool R) - 7
B3 - Sun 7/7 8:00AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
[3] PA CROSSFIRE (Pool P) - 0
[2] AC River's Fury 26/27 (Pool T) - 1
B4 - Sun 7/7 9:20AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
[5] St. Mary's Pounders (Pool P) - 3
[4] Power Surge Goulding (Pool Q) - 10
B2 - Sun 7/7 8:00AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
[3] Reapers 26/27 (Pool R) - 1
[5] Lou Gehrig Lasers Gold (Pool Q) - 1
B22 - Sun 7/7 9:20AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
[9] The Lightning 08 (Pool P) - 4
[6] South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S) - 5
B27 - Sun 7/7 12:00PM Green Valley - Field 6
[7] Racers 08 - Bailey (Pool Q) - 4
[6] Silvercreek Alfano (Pool R) - 0
B28 - Sun 7/7 9:20AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 3 Jr. High
[7] Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P) - 7
[6] B2Bulls - Cicero (Pool T) - 1
B29 - Sun 7/7 9:20AM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1
[7] Power_Funwela (Pool S) - 5
[5] PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S) - 5
B24 - Sun 7/7 8:00AM Green Valley - Field 6
[8] PA Renegades 16u Pinneri (Pool R) - 4
[5] Pittsburgh Power Imm 16u (Pool T) - 1
B26 - Sun 7/7 10:40AM Green Valley - Field 6
[8] West Hills -08 (Pool P) - 9
[6] Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P) - 18
B23 - Sun 7/7 10:40AM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
[7] South Hills Elite 16U Bradford (Pool T) - 2
[6] Rock Gold (Pool Q) - 0
B25 - Sun 7/7 9:20AM Green Valley - Field 6
[7] Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R) - 5
The Lightning 08 (Pool P) - 11
B30 - Sun 7/7 1:20PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4
Devil Dogs 16u - Buckley (Pool P) - 2
Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P) - 5
B33 - Sun 7/7 12:00PM Connoquenessing Valley Elem - CVE 1
Power_Funwela (Pool S) - 2
West Hills -08 (Pool P) - 2
B32 - Sun 7/7 2:40PM Green Valley - Field 6
South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S) - 5
PA Dirtbags 16U (Pool S) - 2
B31 - Sun 7/7 1:20PM Green Valley - Field 6
Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R) - 6
The Lightning 08 (Pool P) - 0
B34 - Sun 7/7 4:00PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R) - 7
Coatesville Lady Steel (Pool R) - 6
B36 - Sun 7/7 6:40PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3
Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P) - 7
South Hills Elite 16U Krivanek (Pool S) - 3
B35 - Sun 7/7 4:00PM Green Valley - Field 6
Pittsburgh Power Myers 16U (Pool P) - 9