

Metro Championships 10,12,14U

Jun 8 - 9, 2024
Federal Way, WA • Kent, WA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, June 08, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 1 ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins
9 1 NLS Crusaders 10U
P2 8:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 2 Spartan Wanabees
0 17 PNW Force 10a Meyers
P5 10:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 1 10U Hot Shots - Prigge
5 16 PNW Force 10U - Naval
P6 10:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 2 Valley Vipers 10u
0 8 Washington Ladyhawks 10u - RILEY
P3 12:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 PNW Force 10a Meyers
5 2 ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins
P4 12:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 Spartan Wanabees
3 16 NLS Crusaders 10U
P7 2:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 10U Hot Shots - Prigge
2 10 Valley Vipers 10u
P8 2:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 PNW Force 10U - Naval
2 5 Washington Ladyhawks 10u - RILEY
P9 4:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 SFC Tempest
6 2 Spark 10U
P10 4:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 Absolute Blast 10U
0 15 LC Closer 10U
P11 6:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 SFC Tempest
1 8 LC Closer 10U
P12 6:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 Spark 10U
2 9 Absolute Blast 10U
Sunday, June 09, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 1 Valley Vipers 10u
22 8 Spartan Wanabees
B2 8:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 2 Absolute Blast 10U
7 6 10U Hot Shots - Prigge
B3 10:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 1 NLS Crusaders 10U
10 2 Spark 10U
B4 10:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 2 SFC Tempest
0 14 ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins
B5 12:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 LC Closer 10U
12 3 Valley Vipers 10u
B6 12:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 PNW Force 10a Meyers
26 1 Absolute Blast 10U
B7 2:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 Washington Ladyhawks 10u - RILEY
7 3 NLS Crusaders 10U
B8 2:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 PNW Force 10U - Naval
0 14 ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins
B9 4:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 LC Closer 10U
1 4 PNW Force 10a Meyers
B10 4:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 Washington Ladyhawks 10u - RILEY
0 4 ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins
B11 6:30 PM Celebration Park - Field 2 PNW Force 10a Meyers
2 5 ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins


ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins
Washington Ladyhawks 10u - RILEY - 7
B7 - Sun 6/9 2:30PM Celebration Park - Field 1
NLS Crusaders 10U - 3
LC Closer 10U - 12
B5 - Sun 6/9 12:30PM Celebration Park - Field 1
Valley Vipers 10u - 3
NLS Crusaders 10U - 10
B3 - Sun 6/9 10:30AM Celebration Park - Field 1
Spark 10U - 2
Valley Vipers 10u - 22
B1 - Sun 6/9 8:30AM Celebration Park - Field 1
Spartan Wanabees - 8
LC Closer 10U - 1
B9 - Sun 6/9 4:30PM Celebration Park - Field 1
PNW Force 10a Meyers - 4
PNW Force 10a Meyers - 2
B11 - Sun 6/9 6:30PM Celebration Park - Field 2
ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins - 5
PNW Force 10U - Naval - 0
B8 - Sun 6/9 2:30PM Celebration Park - Field 2
ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins - 14
PNW Force 10a Meyers - 26
B6 - Sun 6/9 12:30PM Celebration Park - Field 2
Absolute Blast 10U - 1
Washington Ladyhawks 10u - RILEY - 0
B10 - Sun 6/9 4:30PM Celebration Park - Field 2
ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins - 4
Absolute Blast 10U - 7
B2 - Sun 6/9 8:30AM Celebration Park - Field 2
10U Hot Shots - Prigge - 6
SFC Tempest - 0
B4 - Sun 6/9 10:30AM Celebration Park - Field 2
ai Bandits Orchard 10U - Tompkins - 14