
Tournament Note



The schedule will be posted on SportsEngine Tourney. We strongly advise coaches and parents to download the SportsEngine Tourney app, locate " US Travel Basketball National Championships" and follow your team for tournament updates and game times. Make sure to check back for updates/changes to the schedule once it is posted (especially check back the day before and the 1st day for any changes to the schedule. Make sure to check your score following each game and make sure the score was put in correct as this will affect seeding for bracket play.

*Team Check-In


Each team must have a roster that includes jersey numbers. Birth certificates and copies of report cards and/or progress reports for ALL players (print out is accepted), A state certified document (such as a DMV identification card, passport, Walker ID, School ID or driver's license can take the place of the birth certificate, We also take National Sports ID but you still must provide a report card as well for all players no matter what division you are playing in).

If a player is going to check-in late the team must turn in their paperwork during the team check-in and have them on the roster already. You MUST have all players listed on the roster you turn in even if they are arriving later. All players will be interviewed during team check in. If a player is arriving late, they must be interviewed before playing in their first game. Late check-in players MUST also have a copy of their birth certificate and report card with them to be interviewed.
NOTE: A player MUST play in one pool play game in order to be eligible to play in bracket play!

*Forfeit/Arriving Late to games
There is a 5min grace period, once time has expired the game becomes a forfeit. You MUST arrive in plenty of time for your games! Traffic delays are NOT an excuse. Make sure you leave in plenty of extra time to get to your gym. If it is the first time you are playing at a particular gym, make sure you leave early to find it. A forfeit score will be 25-0

Coaches are responsible for themselves, their assistants, their players, AND their players' parents and fans. This tournament will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike behavior. We will dismiss any team from the tournament for anything we consider worthy of doing so (no refunds of any kind to anyone). *Players cannot leave the bench for any reason. If a player leaves the bench (even if it is to break up a fight) that player will be dismissed from the game. Coaches and Refs should break up any altercations (not players or parents). If a player or coach is ejected from a game, they must sit out the next game as well. Coaches: make sure your players are aware of what happens if they are ejected from any game. No appeals can be made as they are judgment calls from refs/officials.

*Gym Location

*Game Scores
Scores will be posted on SportsEngine Tourney App; it is very important to check the app after each of your games to make sure the score is EXACTLY correct. This will determine seeds for bracket play so you want to make sure everything is exactly correct (point different could determine your seed). Contact via Text @ 843-478-4107 immediately if your score is not correct on the app. Seeds & results for bracket play will be posted on the app as soon as all teams in your particular pool have finished playing all of their pool play games. (ANY DISPUTES, WE WILL USE HOME BOOK AS OFFICIAL SCORE)

*Bench Personnel / Scorekeeper info
Each team can have a maximum of 3 coaches on the bench and another scorekeeper at the score table. Only players on the roster, in uniform, for that particular game are allowed to sit on the bench. Players from other teams, even if it is a younger or older team from the same organization, cannot sit on the player bench. No coach passes will be issued after teams 2nd game, If a coach removes his/her band they must pay to enter.

*The "home" team will be the official scorebook (TOP TEAM) so please make sure you have someone available to keep the scoresheet, especially if you are the home team. We will provide blank score sheets which will be at each score table if needed.
NOTE: The away team scorekeeper should sit at the score table immediately beside the home team scorekeeper. (Just sitting at the score table but not directly beside the other scorekeeper does no good as you can't communicate properly with each other). Sitting next to each other will allow each person the ability to talk the entire game and make sure they have the exact same info. If there is a difference, the officials will go with whoever is the "home" team for that particular game. It is very important for the away team to sit directly beside this person to be proactive and make sure all fouls and points are correct and both teams have the same numbers. Outcome of games cannot be changed once the games are finished. Please rearrange the score clock at the score table if needed so both scorekeepers can sit directly beside each other.

*Determining Seeds for Bracket Play/Consolation Games
Please do not assume your seed. Make sure you look at the updated brackets/seeds posted on Sportsengine tourney APP, after pool play is over with all teams in your pool. Tie breaker rules are 1. Record 2. Head-to-Head 3. Points Scored 4. Points Allowed 5. Coin Toss. Divisions can play in 1st Place Championship Bracket or Consolation Brackets/Games.

*Gym Time Opening
The gyms will not open until 15 minutes prior to the first game.

Wristbands cannot be on belts, handbags, etc. They must be worn on the wrist only. Coaches must wear a wristband as well or will be asked to pay at the gate. If anyone (including a coach) loses or removes their wristband they will have to pay to get into the gym.

Note: Players must be in FULL uniform in order to enter the gyms. Players not in uniform must be on a completed roster to enter with ID. If roster in not completed at the time the player must wait on his/her coach! PLEASE FILL OUT ONLINE ROSTER BEFORE WEDNESDAY OF THE EVENT TO AVOID THIS!

*Cost for Admission Daily Rate
Day Pass $20

6 Years and younger- FREE

*Game Rules
All National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) apply except:

4th- 6th grades (9U-12U): Two 18 minutes halves
7th - 11th/12th grades (13U and above): Two 20-minute halves
(Running Clock, Clock Stops The Last 2Min Of 2ND Half)

Each player will have 5 personal fouls.
10 team fouls will result in a double bonus penalty **No 1&1 Penalty**

*Mercy Rule
If a team is up by 20 points, then the clock will continue to run except during team or official time-outs. Teams cannot press that are up by 30 points or more if so, a technical foul will be issued on pressing coach.

Each team is given (3) thirty second time-outs per game for regulation. Players are permitted to sit on the bench during time-outs. These time-outs do NOT carry over to overtime. Each team is awarded (1) time-out for each overtime period.

Overtime is two minutes long (running clock) for the 1st overtime, 2nd overtime period is sudden death (first team to score wins) This overtime rule will be for all games. NO WARM UP TIME OR BREAKS, OVERTIME(S) WILL TIP OFF IMMEDIATELY.

*Game Ball Size
3rd - 6th grade boys (9U-12U): 28.5 intermediate size basketball.
7th - 11th/12th grade boys (13U+): official men's size basketball (29.5)
4th - 11th/12th girls: official women's size basketball (28.5)
Officials will select best game ball from home/visitor team

*Half time and Pre-Game allotted time
Half time: 2 minutes- Pre-Game: 2 minutes
Each team should be stretched and ready to go as soon as the previous game is finished.

The "home" team will provide someone to keep the official scorebook. The "away" team scorebook keeper should sit DIRECTLY beside the home team scorebook keeper to communicate and be proactive on any disputes. We will provide someone to keep the scoreboard/clock.

*Coaches Passes
Each team will be given up to 2 free coach & 1 for a scorekeeper (3total). Coaches/scorekeepers names must be on roster. NO BANDS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER SATURDAY

*"Home" team on the schedule
The first and/or team on top listed on the schedule is the "home" team. The home team will provide the official scorekeeper (We will provide someone to work the scoreboard). The home team will wear light color jerseys (make sure you bring both colors to every game in case you need to change due to similar colors). The away team scorekeeper should sit directly beside the home team scorekeeper at the scorer’s table so that you can make sure both of you always have the exact same info. The officials/refs will choose the best ball to use for games between the two teams.

*For bracket play, the team on top of the bracket will be the "home" team (no matter the seed)

*Gym policies


Shirt/Shoes must be worn at all times. Any fighting by any teams will cause for an automatic dismissal from the tournament with no refunds of any kind (to teams or spectators.) No outside food in the gyms.

Protest A protest on any team and/or player cost $200 (cash only) and should be made prior to the game. The money must be given to the Tournament Director and the director will determine the outcome of the protest. If the team that protest wins, they will receive their $200 cash back. If the Tournament Director determines the player/team in question is legit then the team that is protesting will forfeit the $200 which is kept.

- EACH Player can only play on one roster in pool or bracket play!!!!!



3rd Grade – a girl must be in the 3rd grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 10 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 4th grade that is 9 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

4th Grade – a girl must be in the 4th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 11 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 5th grade that is 10 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

5th Grade – a girl must be in the 5th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 12 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 6th grade that is 11 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

6th Grade – a girl must be in the 6th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 13 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 7th grade that is 12 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

7th Grade – a girl must be in the 7th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 14 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 8th grade that is 13 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

8th Grade – a girl must be in the 8th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 15 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 9th grade that is 14 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

9th Grade – a girl must be in the 9th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 16 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 10th grade that is 15 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

10th Grade – a girl must be in the 10th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 17 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a girl in the 11th grade that is 16 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

11th/12th Grade – a girl must be in the 11th or 12th grade as of October 1, 2023 & she must be 19 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

Note: Girls may play up in older grade divisions, but can not play down. They must fit the grade/age requirements to play in a division or be younger and playing up. Meaning a 7th grader can play up in the 8th grade division or higher, but that same 7th grader can not play down in the 6th grade division.

Players must show proof of age (copy of birth certificate or another state issued form such as a drivers license or photo ID from the DMV) and proof of current grade (copy of school issued report card or progress report from the current school year) OR players must be verified through National Sports ID (NSID).


3rd Grade – a player must be in the 3rd grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 10 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a player in the 4th grade that is 9 years old or younger on June 30, 2024

4th Grade – a player must be in the 4th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 11 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a player in the 5th grade that is 10 years old or younger on June 30, 2024

5th Grade – a player must be in the 5th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 12 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a player in the 6th grade that is 11 years old or younger on June 30, 2024

6th Grade – a player must be in the 6th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 13 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a player in the 7th grade that is 12 years old or younger on June 30, 2024

7th Grade – a boy must be in the 7th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 14 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a boy in the 8th grade that is 13 years old or younger on June 30, 2024

8th Grade – a boy must be in the 8th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 15 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a boy in the 9th grade that is 14 years old or younger on June 30, 2024

High School Eligibility

9th Grade – a boy must be in the 9th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 16 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a boy in the 10th grade that is 15 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

10th Grade – a boy must be in the 10th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 17 years old or younger on August 31, 2024
or a boy in the 11th grade that is 16 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

11th/12th Grade – All boys must be in the 11th or 12th grade as of October 1, 2023 & must be 19 years old or younger on August 31, 2024

Note: players may play up in older divisions, but can not play down. They must fit the age and/or grade requirements to play in a division or be younger and playing up. Meaning a 13 year old can play up in the 14u age division, but that same 13 year old can not play down in the 12u age division or a 10th grader can play up in the 11th/12th grade division, but that same 10th grader can not play down in the 9th grade division.

9th Grade Boys

US Travel Basketball National Championships

Jul 4 - 7, 2024
North Charleston, SC
SportsEngine Tourney

Install the mobile app for this event at:

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Ruckus Premier 2 0 20 87 67 0
SC Connect 2 0 21 78 57 0
Hoop Dreams 1 1 21 117 70 0
Dominion Youth Lions 0 2 -31 61 118 0
North Charleston All Stars 0 2 -31 55 86 0
Team W L
Chucktown Elite 2 0 32 104 60 0
Platts Elite 2 0 32 99 67 0
365 RR 15u 1 1 18 99 68 0
Team Different 0 2 -48 64 125 0
Low Country MVPs 0 2 -34 58 104 0