
10U Division

Mel Ott Softball Extravaganza 2024 (10U/14U)

Jul 19 - 21, 2024
Amherst, NY
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L T
Clarence Red Devils 10U (Clarence Center, NY) 3 0 0 34 51 17 0
Southern Tier Thunder 10u (Horseheads, Ny) 2 1 0 31 38 7 0
Tri-County Surge (Union City, PA) 2 1 0 13 24 11 0
Fury Fastpitch (Pine City, NY) 2 1 0 14 28 14 14
Lockport Lady Lions (Newfane, NY) 2 1 0 10 32 22 -2
Lake Shore Storm (Lakeview, NY) 2 1 0 4 31 27 -12
Lou Gehrig Lasers (Clarence Center, NY) 1 1 1 -10 11 21 0
Lockport Lady Lions 10u Rookie (LOCKPORT, New York) 0 2 1 -27 8 35 0
Mel Ott Hurricanes (Lewiston, NY) 0 3 0 -26 11 37 0
GLOW Academy Legion (Batavia, NY) 0 3 0 -43 15 58 0


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Saturday, July 20, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P0 8:00 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 GLOW Academy Legion
5 17 Lockport Lady Lions
P0 8:00 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Southern Tier Thunder 10u
4 7 Lou Gehrig Lasers
P0 9:45 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 Tri-County Surge
0 3 Fury Fastpitch
P0 9:45 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Lockport Lady Lions 10u Rookie
3 16 Lake Shore Storm
P0 11:30 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 Clarence Red Devils 10U
16 5 Mel Ott Hurricanes
P0 11:30 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Southern Tier Thunder 10u
22 0 GLOW Academy Legion
P0 1:15 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 2 Lockport Lady Lions 10u Rookie
3 3 Lou Gehrig Lasers
P0 1:15 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 Fury Fastpitch
18 6 Lake Shore Storm
P0 1:15 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Lockport Lady Lions
7 10 Tri-County Surge
P0 3:00 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 Southern Tier Thunder 10u
12 0 Mel Ott Hurricanes
P0 3:00 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Clarence Red Devils 10U
19 10 GLOW Academy Legion
P0 4:45 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 Tri-County Surge
14 1 Lou Gehrig Lasers
P0 4:45 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Lockport Lady Lions 10u Rookie
2 16 Clarence Red Devils 10U
P0 6:30 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 Mel Ott Hurricanes
6 9 Lake Shore Storm
P0 6:30 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Lockport Lady Lions
8 7 Fury Fastpitch
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:00 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 3 [9] Mel Ott Hurricanes
14 4 [10] GLOW Academy Legion
B2 8:00 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 [7] Lou Gehrig Lasers
12 2 [8] Lockport Lady Lions 10u Rookie
B3 9:45 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 3 [6] Lake Shore Storm
8 3 Mel Ott Hurricanes
B9 9:45 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 [4] Fury Fastpitch
1 0 [5] Lockport Lady Lions
B4 11:30 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7 Lake Shore Storm
Lou Gehrig Lasers
B10 11:30 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 6 [2] Southern Tier Thunder 10u
2 8 [3] Tri-County Surge
B11 11:30 AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4 [1] Clarence Red Devils 10U
10 9 Fury Fastpitch
B12 1:15 PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 6 Clarence Red Devils 10U
Tri-County Surge


Bracket Winner B4
10U Silver Champion
Bracket Winner B12
10U Gold Champion
[6] Lake Shore Storm - 8
B3 - Sun 7/21 9:45AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 3
Mel Ott Hurricanes - 3
[9] Mel Ott Hurricanes - 14
B1 - Sun 7/21 8:00AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 3
[10] GLOW Academy Legion - 4
[7] Lou Gehrig Lasers - 12
B2 - Sun 7/21 8:00AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4
[8] Lockport Lady Lions 10u Rookie - 2
[1] Clarence Red Devils 10U - 10
B11 - Sun 7/21 11:30AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4
Fury Fastpitch - 9
[4] Fury Fastpitch - 1
B9 - Sun 7/21 9:45AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 4
[5] Lockport Lady Lions - 0
Clarence Red Devils 10U
B12 - Sun 7/21 1:15PM Mel Ott Little League - Field 6
Tri-County Surge
[2] Southern Tier Thunder 10u - 2
B10 - Sun 7/21 11:30AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 6
[3] Tri-County Surge - 8
Lake Shore Storm
B4 - Sun 7/21 11:30AM Mel Ott Little League - Field 7
Lou Gehrig Lasers