
18U Aunt Rosie's Tournament

18U Aunt Rosie's International Tournament

Jul 5 - 7, 2024
Amherst, NY
SportsEngine Tourney

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NY Diamond Girls - Coons

18U Aunt Rosie's Tournament Champion

Fri Jul 5, 2024 - Sun Jul 7, 2024


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Friday, July 05, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 Indians Fastpitch
12 0 Blazers Burgundy
P5 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 Team Ohio White
4 7 Adirondack USSSA Pride
P6 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 WS Magic- Rogowski
2 10 PA Ball Hawks Showcase
P1 8:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 2 SJ Heat Gold
5 3 Bullpen Bulls- Berg
P2 8:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 Inter-Lakes Pride Finnegan
2 1 Predators National
P3 8:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 Phoenix Warriors
4 8 NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
P10 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 USSSA NY Pride Black
0 8 Dubois Xtreme
P11 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 UNY Revolution Catalano
2 0 Passion Softball
P12 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 Lady Roadrunners Benish
5 5 Amherst Lightning WESO
P7 10:15 AM Northtown Center - Field 2 Blazers Gold
3 15 Cowgirls
P8 10:15 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 Team Ohio Black
2 7 Conklin Raiders-Prong
P9 10:15 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 Phantoms
0 1 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
P19 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 Inter-Lakes Pride Finnegan
1 6 Bullpen Bulls- Berg
P20 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 SJ Heat Gold
9 7 Phoenix Warriors
P21 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 Predators National
1 1 Indians Fastpitch
P22 12:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 PA Ball Hawks Showcase
0 3 Team Ohio White
P23 12:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 Blazers Burgundy
1 10 WS Magic- Rogowski
P24 12:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 2 Adirondack USSSA Pride
1 4 NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
P25 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 8 Cowgirls
1 10 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
P26 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 Blazers Gold
0 11 Phantoms
P27 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Conklin Raiders-Prong
5 5 USSSA NY Pride Black
P28 1:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 Team Ohio Black
10 2 Dubois Xtreme
P29 1:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 UNY Revolution Catalano
2 2 Lady Roadrunners Benish
P30 1:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 Amherst Lightning WESO
8 0 Passion Softball
P16 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Pocono Pride Red
14 3 Oakville Angels
P17 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 NY Diamond Girls-Maynard
9 5 Smash it Sports- Klock
P18 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 8 CNY Monsters
0 6 GC Hurricanes National
P13 3:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 NY Inferno Elite- Righetti
1 5 SC Athletics Lantzy
P14 3:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 USSSA NY Pride- Clark
2 4 Bombers Elite Premier
P15 3:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 Olean Synergy
3 6 EC Bombers National
P33 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 NY Diamond Girls-Maynard
8 0 Pocono Pride Red
P35 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 Oakville Angels
6 15 CNY Monsters
P36 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 8 Smash it Sports- Klock
1 9 GC Hurricanes National
P31 5:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 USSSA NY Pride- Clark
2 10 SC Athletics Lantzy
P32 5:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 NY Inferno Elite- Righetti
18 2 Olean Synergy
P34 5:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 EC Bombers National
2 1 Bombers Elite Premier
Saturday, July 06, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P52 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 CNY Monsters
10 1 NY Diamond Girls-Maynard
P53 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 GC Hurricanes National
7 1 EC Bombers National
P54 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 Smash it Sports- Klock
14 1 Oakville Angels
P49 8:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 Olean Synergy
0 5 USSSA NY Pride- Clark
P50 8:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 Pocono Pride Red
3 13 SC Athletics Lantzy
P51 8:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 2 Bombers Elite Premier
0 2 NY Inferno Elite- Righetti
P40 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 WS Magic- Rogowski
2 11 Predators National
P41 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
4 7 PA Ball Hawks Showcase
P42 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 Adirondack USSSA Pride
15 1 Blazers Burgundy
P37 10:15 AM Northtown Center - Field 2 Phoenix Warriors
1 9 Inter-Lakes Pride Finnegan
P38 10:15 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 Indians Fastpitch
8 6 Bullpen Bulls- Berg
P39 10:15 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 Team Ohio White
2 1 SJ Heat Gold
P70 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 NY Inferno Elite- Righetti
10 0 GC Hurricanes National
P71 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 NY Diamond Girls-Maynard
6 0 Oakville Angels
P72 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 EC Bombers National
4 1 Smash it Sports- Klock
P67 12:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 2 USSSA NY Pride- Clark
0 1 Pocono Pride Red
P68 12:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 Olean Synergy
5 9 Bombers Elite Premier
P69 12:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 SC Athletics Lantzy
11 1 CNY Monsters
P55 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Inter-Lakes Pride Finnegan
4 3 Indians Fastpitch
P56 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 Phoenix Warriors
0 8 Team Ohio White
P57 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 8 Bullpen Bulls- Berg
2 4 WS Magic- Rogowski
P58 1:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 SJ Heat Gold
2 4 Adirondack USSSA Pride
P59 1:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 Predators National
12 3 NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
P60 1:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 PA Ball Hawks Showcase
14 0 Blazers Burgundy
P46 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Lady Roadrunners Benish
7 0 Conklin Raiders-Prong
P47 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 Team Ohio Black
8 7 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
P48 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 8 Amherst Lightning WESO
3 2 UNY Revolution Catalano
P43 3:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 Phantoms
12 1 Cowgirls
P44 3:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 USSSA NY Pride Black
0 5 Passion Softball
P45 3:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 Dubois Xtreme
10 1 Blazers Gold
P63 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Team Ohio Black
4 8 Lady Roadrunners Benish
P65 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 Conklin Raiders-Prong
10 3 Amherst Lightning WESO
P66 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 8 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
0 0 UNY Revolution Catalano
P61 5:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 Cowgirls
5 15 USSSA NY Pride Black
P62 5:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 Phantoms
12 4 Dubois Xtreme
P64 5:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 Blazers Gold
4 8 Passion Softball
Sunday, July 07, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B9 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 [13] NY Diamond Girls - Coons
2 1 [20] SJ Heat Gold
B10 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 3 [12] Predators National
5 0 [21] Dubois Xtreme
B16 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 [15] Conklin Raiders-Prong
5 4 [18] Bombers Elite Premier
B23 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 [14] Indians Fastpitch
7 11 [19] Passion Softball
B24 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 [11] NY Diamond Girls-Maynard
6 3 [22] CNY Monsters
B25 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 [6] Lady Roadrunners Benish
4 2 [27] USSSA NY Pride Black
B32 8:00 AM Northtown Center - Field 1 [33] Olean Synergy
9 0 [34] Blazers Gold
B1 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 [1] SC Athletics Lantzy
13 2 [32] Phoenix Warriors
B2 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 [16] Amherst Lightning WESO
1 8 [17] UNY Revolution Catalano
B8 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 [4] Team Ohio White
5 4 [29] Bullpen Bulls- Berg
B11 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 [5] PA Ball Hawks Showcase
0 10 [28] USSSA NY Pride- Clark
B15 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 3 [2] Phantoms
11 3 [31] Cowgirls
B22 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 [3] NY Inferno Elite- Righetti
9 7 [30] Smash it Sports- Klock
B33 9:45 AM Northtown Center - Field 1 [35] Oakville Angels
3 3 [36] Blazers Burgundy
B3 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 4 [9] GC Hurricanes National
1 7 [24] NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
B4 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 3 [8] Inter-Lakes Pride Finnegan
10 3 [25] WS Magic- Rogowski
B12 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 7 Team Ohio White
1 3 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
B13 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 6 Predators National
2 3 USSSA NY Pride- Clark
B17 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 5 [10] EC Bombers National
6 3 [23] Team Ohio Black
B18 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 1 [7] Adirondack USSSA Pride
2 0 [26] Pocono Pride Red
B27 11:30 AM Northtown Center - Field 8 NY Diamond Girls-Maynard
3 7 Lady Roadrunners Benish
B5 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 SC Athletics Lantzy
6 7 UNY Revolution Catalano
B6 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
6 2 Inter-Lakes Pride Finnegan
B19 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Phantoms
5 0 Conklin Raiders-Prong
B20 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 EC Bombers National
2 0 Adirondack USSSA Pride
B26 1:15 PM Northtown Center - Field 7 NY Inferno Elite- Righetti
1 4 Passion Softball
B7 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 UNY Revolution Catalano
7 1 NY Diamond Girls-Dimino
B14 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
12 0 USSSA NY Pride- Clark
B21 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 3 Phantoms
8 5 EC Bombers National
B28 3:00 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Passion Softball
6 7 Lady Roadrunners Benish
B29 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 6 Phantoms
7 0 Lady Roadrunners Benish
B30 4:45 PM Northtown Center - Field 5 UNY Revolution Catalano
0 7 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
B31 6:30 PM Northtown Center - Field 4 NY Diamond Girls - Coons
1 0 Phantoms