

2024 CQL Spring Flag Football

May 15 - 23, 2024
SportsEngine Tourney

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Crenshaw (Red)

9U Champion

Wed May 15, 2024 - Thu May 23, 2024



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Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B2 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 6 - A Jacobs
6 38 Gordon (Red)
B3 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 6 - B Evergreen
38 0 Clover Hill (Gold)
B4 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 9 - A Crenshaw (Red)
25 13 Midlothian
B5 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 9 - B Old Hundred (Green)
12 32 Gordon (Blue)
B6 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 2 - A Spring Run
43 12 Old Hundred (Blue)
B7 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 2 - B Robious
6 33 Clover Hill (Maroon)
B8 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 3 - B Swift Creek
13 12 Powhatan
B10 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 5 - A Matoaca (English)
31 37 Hopkins (Orange)
B11 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 5 - B Matoaca (Weaver)
37 7 Scott
B12 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 8 - A Ettrick
54 0 Chester (Black)
B13 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 8 - B Chester (Orange)
0 42 Salem
B30 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 3 - A Crenshaw (Black)
38 7 Winterpock
B14 7:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 1 - A Wells (Blue)
18 13 Dinwiddie
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B16 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 5 - A Chalkley
26 7 Hopkins (Orange)
B20 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 5 - B Matoaca (Weaver)
18 38 Ettrick
B21 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 6 - A Hopkins (Black)
26 27 Salem
B22 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 6 - B Wells (Blue)
7 15 Wells (Orange)
B1 7:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 9 - B Old Hundred (Grey)
7 28 Crenshaw (Black)
Friday, May 17, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B15 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 4 - A Crenshaw (Black)
24 6 Swift Creek
B17 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - FIeld 4 - B Gordon (Red)
19 25 Evergreen
B18 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 1 - A Crenshaw (Red)
31 12 Gordon (Blue)
B19 6:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 1 - B Spring Run
20 50 Clover Hill (Maroon)
B25 7:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 3 - A Chalkley
12 24 Ettrick
B26 7:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 3 - B Salem
13 12 Wells (Orange)
B23 8:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 3 - A Crenshaw (Black)
42 0 Evergreen
B24 8:30 PM River City Sportsplex - Field 3 - B Crenshaw (Red)
25 12 Clover Hill (Maroon)
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B27 7:30 PM Manchester Middle School - Field B Crenshaw (Black)
6 24 Crenshaw (Red)
B28 7:30 PM Manchester Middle School - Field A Ettrick
18 6 Salem
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B29 6:30 PM Monacan High School - Field B Crenshaw (Red)
32 19 Ettrick