The Bay Area Amateur Open @ Willow Pass

Jun 15 - 16, 2024
Concord, CA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Ryan Eidson 5 0 21
Russ Nelson 3 2 9
Brian Hicks 3 2 6
Ujjwal Talasila 3 2 4
Kenny Swartz 1 4 -35
Kirk Waterman 0 5 -5
Team W L
Ben Dewell 5 0 44
Rahul Reddy Mara 3 2 15
Diego Paramio 2 3 -20
Tien Nguyen 2 3 -6
Anand Ammundi 2 3 -1
Julien Marquez 1 4 -32


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Saturday, June 15, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 1:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 Ryan Eidson
1 0 Kirk Waterman
Kirk - forfeit
P2 1:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 Russ Nelson
21 6 Kenny Swartz
P3 1:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3 Brian Hicks
22 15 Ujjwal Talasila
P4 1:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4 Julien Marquez
22 20 Diego Paramio
P5 1:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5 Tien Nguyen
14 22 Rahul Reddy Mara
P6 1:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6 Ben Dewell
22 12 Anand Ammundi
P7 2:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 Kirk Waterman
0 1 Russ Nelson
P8 2:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 Ryan Eidson
21 17 Brian Hicks
P9 2:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3 Kenny Swartz
17 21 Ujjwal Talasila
P10 2:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4 Diego Paramio
21 18 Tien Nguyen
P11 2:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5 Julien Marquez
13 24 Ben Dewell
P12 2:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6 Rahul Reddy Mara
14 22 Anand Ammundi
P13 2:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 Brian Hicks
1 0 Kirk Waterman
P14 2:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 Ujjwal Talasila
21 9 Russ Nelson
P15 2:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3 Kenny Swartz
14 22 Ryan Eidson
P16 2:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4 Ben Dewell
21 10 Diego Paramio
P17 2:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5 Anand Ammundi
16 21 Tien Nguyen
P18 2:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6 Rahul Reddy Mara
21 8 Julien Marquez
P19 2:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 Kirk Waterman
0 1 Ujjwal Talasila
P20 2:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 Brian Hicks
22 13 Kenny Swartz
P21 2:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3 Russ Nelson
20 22 Ryan Eidson
P22 2:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4 Diego Paramio
22 20 Anand Ammundi
P23 2:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5 Ben Dewell
21 11 Rahul Reddy Mara
P24 2:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6 Tien Nguyen
21 19 Julien Marquez
P25 3:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 Kenny Swartz
1 0 Kirk Waterman
P26 3:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 Ryan Eidson
22 16 Ujjwal Talasila
P27 3:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3 Russ Nelson
25 18 Brian Hicks
P28 3:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4 Rahul Reddy Mara
21 9 Diego Paramio
P29 3:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5 Julien Marquez
13 21 Anand Ammundi
P30 3:00 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6 Tien Nguyen
20 22 Ben Dewell
B1 3:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 [1] Ryan Eidson
23 21 [2] Rahul Reddy Mara
B2 3:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 [1] Ben Dewell
21 14 [2] Russ Nelson
B5 3:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3 [3] Brian Hicks
21 14 [3] Diego Paramio
B6 3:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4 [4] Ujjwal Talasila
21 14 [4] Tien Nguyen
B7 3:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5 [5] Kenny Swartz
14 21 [5] Anand Ammundi
B8 3:20 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6 [6] Kirk Waterman
0 1 [6] Julien Marquez
B3 3:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2 Rahul Reddy Mara
24 22 Russ Nelson
B4 3:40 PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1 Ryan Eidson
21 14 Ben Dewell


Ryan Eidson
Rahul Reddy Mara
[1] Ben Dewell - 21
B2 - Sat 6/15 3:20PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2
[2] Russ Nelson - 14
Rahul Reddy Mara - 24
B3 - Sat 6/15 3:40PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 2
Russ Nelson - 22
Ryan Eidson - 21
B4 - Sat 6/15 3:40PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1
Ben Dewell - 14
[1] Ryan Eidson - 23
B1 - Sat 6/15 3:20PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 1
[2] Rahul Reddy Mara - 21
[3] Brian Hicks - 21
B5 - Sat 6/15 3:20PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 3
[3] Diego Paramio - 14
[4] Ujjwal Talasila - 21
B6 - Sat 6/15 3:20PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 4
[4] Tien Nguyen - 14
[5] Kenny Swartz - 14
B7 - Sat 6/15 3:20PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 5
[5] Anand Ammundi - 21
[6] Kirk Waterman - 0
B8 - Sat 6/15 3:20PM Willow Pass Pickleball Courts - Facility 6
[6] Julien Marquez - 1