
Tournament Note

Hello Coach, thank you for participating in the 2024 Labor Day Team Camp.

PLEASE EMAIL YOUR TEAM INSURANCE TO COACHLORENZOWALKER@AOL.COM. Please make sure to fill out the on-line player add-on form or they will have forms at the tournament check-in desk to fill out this form. Please make sure your roster is listed in Tourney Machine.

There will be a total of 3 coaches bands and the 1 COACH WILL CHECK IN FOR THE TEAM AND WILL RECEIVE ALL 3 BANDS FOR THE TEAM. CHECK-IN WILL BE AT THE TABLE IN FORNT OF THE OFFICE BY FIELD 1 and 4. You are expected to have the band and show it when coming in and out of the park please.

We are collecting gate and it will be CASH only. Gate is $15 a day or $25 a weekend for 11 years old to 64 years old, 65 and older $5 a day or $10 a weekend. 10 and under are free.

We have attached the schedule and tournament rules for the Labor Day Team Camp.

All tournament communication will be done on the Tourney Machine App. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO HAVE SIGNED UP FOR NOTIFICATIONS.

If you notice any incorrect scores on Tourney Machine during the event, please send text with team names, and correct score to 317-287-4003.

There will be NO warming up in grass outside of temporary Homerun fences.


SportsEngine Tourney


All game will be 80 minutes finish the inning, including all pool games, bracket games and Championship games

Finish the Inning.

Pool games can end in a tie. International tie breaker for bracket play is the last batted out starts at 2nd.

* LINEUPS –During ALL POOL PLAY and BRACKET, you may bat your roster. Courtesy runner for pitcher and catcher is furthest batter away.

Pitching Rule – Will be the same as the NFHS Pitching rule.

a. The pitch starts when the pitcher's hands separate after the hands have come together while the pivot foot is in contact with the pitcher's plate.

b. Any step back with the non-pivot foot must begin before the start of the pitch (6-1-2a). Once the pitch has started (the hands separate), the pitcher shall not take more than one step which must be forward, toward the batter and simultaneous with the delivery. EXCEPTION: When removing self from the pitcher's position.

Run rules: 10-after 4, 8- after 5, 6- after 6 and 1 after 7

NO 6 after 6 run rule for 12u ONLY

Tie breakers for bracket are head-to-head, runs against, and run differential:

1. Head to Head

2. Runs Against

3. Run Differential

4. Final is coin toss

Pool Play and Bracket Play Home team is decided by coin toss. Home Team Score Book is considered the Official Score Book.

*THE Rock Rosin bag and Gorilla Gold blue package is illegal to use due to containing an illegal substance – THIS IS YOUR VERBAL WARNING. Gorilla Gold red package is the only Gorilla Gold that is legal for use. You may use regular rosin bags.

16U & 18U

2024 Labor Day Team Camp

Aug 31 - Sep 1, 2024
Columbus, IN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T
Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Hope, IN) 1 0 1 1 7 6
Indiana Gators Burns 1 0 1 2 10 8
River City Outlaws 1 1 0 8 12 4
FAM 25/26 Prime (Fairland, IN) 0 2 0 -11 0 11
Pool B
Team W L T
Indy Crush Kleber 1 0 1 3 10 7
Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Indianapolis, IN) 1 0 1 2 9 7
Mad Apple 18U Black 0 2 0 -5 4 9
Pool C
Team W L T
Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner 2 0 0 16 17 1
Mad Apple Red 18u Premier 1 1 0 -9 8 17
Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders 1 1 0 14 23 9
Diamond Dynamics Select 0 2 0 -21 2 23


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Saturday, August 31, 2024
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
P1 9:30 AM Lincoln Park - LP 1 River City Outlaws (Pool A)
2 4 Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
P2 9:30 AM Lincoln Park - LP 4 Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Pool A)
1 0 FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A)
P3 9:30 AM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Mad Apple 18U Black (Pool B)
2 4 Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
P5 9:30 AM Lincoln Park - LP 3 Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
1 16 Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
P4 11:10 AM Lincoln Park - LP 3 Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)
0 10 Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C)
P6 11:10 AM Lincoln Park - LP 4 Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
6 6 Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Pool A)
P7 11:10 AM Lincoln Park - LP 1 River City Outlaws (Pool A)
10 0 FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A)
P8 11:10 AM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Indy Crush Kleber (Pool B)
5 2 Mad Apple 18U Black (Pool B)
P9 12:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C)
7 1 Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
P10 12:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 3 Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)
8 7 Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
P11 12:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 1 Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
5 5 Indy Crush Kleber (Pool B)
B1 3:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 1 [3] River City Outlaws (Pool A)
6 7 [4] Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
B2 3:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 2 [4] FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A)
2 12 [3] Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
B3 3:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 3 [3] Mad Apple 18U Black (Pool B)
0 7 [2] Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
B4 3:50 PM Lincoln Park - LP 4 [1] Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Pool A)
3 5 [2] Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)
B5 5:25 PM Lincoln Park - LP 1 Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
1 2 [2] Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
B6 5:25 PM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
8 1 [1] Indy Crush Kleber (Pool B)
B7 5:25 PM Lincoln Park - LP 3 [1] Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C)
2 5 Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
B8 5:25 PM Lincoln Park - LP 4 FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A)
4 1 Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Pool A)
Sunday, September 01, 2024
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
B9 9:00 AM Lincoln Park - LP 3 Mad Apple 18U Black (Pool B)
1 13 Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
B10 9:00 AM Lincoln Park - LP 4 River City Outlaws (Pool A)
0 10 Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C)
B11 10:35 AM Lincoln Park - LP 3 FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A)
3 10 Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
B12 10:35 AM Lincoln Park - LP 4 Indy Crush Kleber (Pool B)
0 1 Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C)
B13 10:35 AM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)
4 0 Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
B14 10:35 AM Lincoln Park - LP 1 Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
9 0 Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
B15 12:10 PM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C)
4 10 Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
B16 12:10 PM Lincoln Park - LP 1 Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
3 1 Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C)
B17 1:45 PM Lincoln Park - LP 2 Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)
4 6 Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
B18 1:45 PM Lincoln Park - LP 1 Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A)
4 7 Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
B19 3:20 PM Lincoln Park - LP 1 Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)
6 0 Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B)
B20 4:55 PM Lincoln Park - LP 4 Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C)
5 3 Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C)


Winners Bracket
Losers Bracket
If Game
Bracket Winner B21
If Game Winner
[1] Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C) - 2
B7 - Sat 8/31 5:25PM Lincoln Park - LP 3
Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A) - 5
Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C) - 5
B20 - Sun 9/1 4:55PM Lincoln Park - LP 4
Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C) - 3
Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C) - 1
B5 - Sat 8/31 5:25PM Lincoln Park - LP 1
[2] Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B) - 2
Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C) - 4
B13 - Sun 9/1 10:35AM Lincoln Park - LP 2
Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B) - 0
Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C) - 4
B17 - Sun 9/1 1:45PM Lincoln Park - LP 2
Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C) - 6
Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C) - 9
B14 - Sun 9/1 10:35AM Lincoln Park - LP 1
Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A) - 0
Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C) - 6
B19 - Sun 9/1 3:20PM Lincoln Park - LP 1
Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B) - 0
[3] Mad Apple 18U Black (Pool B) - 0
B3 - Sat 8/31 3:50PM Lincoln Park - LP 3
[2] Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A) - 7
Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A) - 4
B18 - Sun 9/1 1:45PM Lincoln Park - LP 1
Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B) - 7
[3] River City Outlaws (Pool A) - 6
B1 - Sat 8/31 3:50PM Lincoln Park - LP 1
[4] Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C) - 7
FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A) - 4
B8 - Sat 8/31 5:25PM Lincoln Park - LP 4
Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Pool A) - 1
Indy Crush Kleber (Pool B) - 0
B12 - Sun 9/1 10:35AM Lincoln Park - LP 4
Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C) - 1
Indiana Gators Burns (Pool A) - 3
B16 - Sun 9/1 12:10PM Lincoln Park - LP 1
Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C) - 1
[1] Indy Crush 18U Jordan (Pool A) - 3
B4 - Sat 8/31 3:50PM Lincoln Park - LP 4
[2] Mad Apple Red 18u Premier (Pool C) - 5
Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C) - 4
B15 - Sun 9/1 12:10PM Lincoln Park - LP 2
Indiana Gators Premier Thorpe 16u (Pool B) - 10
Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C) - 8
B6 - Sat 8/31 5:25PM Lincoln Park - LP 2
[1] Indy Crush Kleber (Pool B) - 1
River City Outlaws (Pool A) - 0
B10 - Sun 9/1 9:00AM Lincoln Park - LP 4
Indy Crush National 25/26 Mathews/Hubner (Pool C) - 10
FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A) - 3
B11 - Sun 9/1 10:35AM Lincoln Park - LP 3
Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C) - 10
Mad Apple 18U Black (Pool B) - 1
B9 - Sun 9/1 9:00AM Lincoln Park - LP 3
Diamond Dynamics Select (Pool C) - 13
[4] FAM 25/26 Prime (Pool A) - 2
B2 - Sat 8/31 3:50PM Lincoln Park - LP 2
[3] Shockwaves 18u Smith/Sinders (Pool C) - 12