
Club 7th/8th

IC Summer 2 League

Aug 3 - Sep 28, 2024
Gilbert, AZ
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings


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Saturday, August 03, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P1 2:40 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Work Athletics (Pool 2)
17 37 Breeze (Pool 1)
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P2 10:30 AM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Legends - 7th Black (Exhibition)
31 49 Paladin 8th - Jared
P2 4:20 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
17 46 Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
P2 5:10 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
49 17 Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
P2 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
25 27 Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
P2 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
29 22 Work Athletics (Pool 2)
P2 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 3 - Orange Court Miners - Silver (Pool 2)*
35 28 Legends 6th (Exhibition)*
P2 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
25 37 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
P2 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Black Mambas (Pool 2)
30 46 Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P3 5:10 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Breeze (Pool 1)
49 43 NDO Elite (Pool 1)
P3 5:10 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Work Athletics (Pool 2)
66 35 Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
P3 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
15 1 Legends - 7th Black (Exhibition)
P3 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
25 31 Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
P3 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
44 23 Black Mambas (Pool 2)
P3 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
18 52 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
P3 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
38 50 Black Mambas (Pool 2)
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P4 4:20 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
22 61 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
P4 4:20 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
15 65 Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
P4 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 8th - Jared
48 8 Black Mambas (Pool 2)
P4 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Paladin 8th - Jared
60 30 Work Athletics (Pool 2)
P4 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
13 54 Legends - 7th Black (Exhibition)
P4 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Breeze (Pool 1)
33 46 Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
P4 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
28 45 Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P5 8:00 AM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
42 30 Black Mambas (Pool 2)
P5 8:50 AM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
38 23 Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
P5 11:20 AM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
44 14 Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
P5 12:10 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Work Athletics (Pool 2)
21 48 Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
P5 1:00 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Breeze (Pool 1)
31 64 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
P5 1:00 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
14 36 Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
P5 1:50 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Breeze (Pool 1)
65 52 Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P6 2:40 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Breeze (Pool 1)
25 42 3D Hoops - Harris (Exhibition)
P6 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Paladin 8th - Jared
42 30 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
P6 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
10 36 Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
P6 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Paladin 8th - Jared
47 25 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
P6 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
33 30 Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
P6 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
53 29 Black Mambas (Pool 2)
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P7 10:30 AM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
9 42 3D Hoops - Harris (Exhibition)
P7 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Legends - 7th Black (Exhibition)
42 14 Work Athletics (Pool 2)
P7 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Legends - 7th Black (Exhibition)
46 27 Breeze (Pool 1)
P7 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
34 37 Hunters Elite 8th Bronze (Exhibition)
P7 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Hunters Elite 7th Bronze (Exhibition)
40 34 Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
P7 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Legends 8th (Pool 1)
51 48 Hunters Elite 8th Silver (Exhibition)
P7 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Black Mambas (Pool 2)
40 48 Legends 6th (Exhibition)
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P8 2:40 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School 3D Hoops - Hagerman (Exhibition)
25 32 Hunters Elite 6th Silver (Exhibition)
P8 4:20 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School 3D Hoops - Hagerman (Exhibition)
36 26 Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
P8 6:50 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Legends - 7th Black (Exhibition)
38 28 Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
P8 7:40 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Hunters Elite 6th Gold (Exhibition)
49 24 Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
P8 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 8th - Jared
60 34 Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
P8 8:30 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Purple Mambas (Pool 2)
44 13 Paladin 7/8 - Blake/Jason
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P9 12:10 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School Hunters Elite 7th Silver (Exhibition)
15 47 3D Hoops - Harris (Exhibition)
B2 1:50 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1)
24 27 NDO Elite (Pool 1)
P9 1:50 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Gremlins 7th (Exhibition)
33 48 Hunters Elite 7th Gold (Exhibition)
P9 1:50 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School Az Fire 8th Gold (Exhibition)
23 47 3D Hoops 8th - Wirth (Exhibition)
B3 3:30 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Breeze (Pool 1)
33 63 Legends 8th (Pool 1)
B4 3:30 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court NDO Elite (Pool 1)
28 41 Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
P9 3:30 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School Hunters Elite 8th Silver (Exhibition)
35 58 3D Hoops 7th - Cheeks (Exhibition)
P9 4:20 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School Hunters Elite 8th Gold (Exhibition)
40 46 3D Hoops 8th - Wirth (Exhibition)
B8 5:10 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Black Mambas (Pool 2)
26 77 Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
B9 5:10 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2)
16 45 Work Athletics (Pool 2)
P9 5:10 PM Iron Courts - 4-Campo Verde High School Az Fire 8th Gold (Exhibition)
57 55 3D Hoops 7th - Cheeks (Exhibition)
B5 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court Legends 8th (Pool 1)
49 36 Miners - Gold (Pool 1)
B10 6:00 PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
39 26 Work Athletics (Pool 2)


Legends 8th (Pool 1)
Miners - Silver (Pool 2)
Paladin 7th (13U) - Cecily (Pool 1) - 24
B2 - Sat 9/28 1:50PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court
NDO Elite (Pool 1) - 27
Breeze (Pool 1) - 33
B3 - Sat 9/28 3:30PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court
Legends 8th (Pool 1) - 63
Legends 8th (Pool 1) - 49
B5 - Sat 9/28 6:00PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court
Miners - Gold (Pool 1) - 36
NDO Elite (Pool 1) - 28
B4 - Sat 9/28 3:30PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court
Miners - Gold (Pool 1) - 41
Black Mambas (Pool 2) - 26
B8 - Sat 9/28 5:10PM Iron Courts - 1 - Blue Court
Miners - Silver (Pool 2) - 77
Legends 7th Blue (Pool 2) - 16
B9 - Sat 9/28 5:10PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court
Work Athletics (Pool 2) - 45
Miners - Silver (Pool 2) - 39
B10 - Sat 9/28 6:00PM Iron Courts - 2 - Gray Court
Work Athletics (Pool 2) - 26