

Boys Militia Cup

Aug 16 - 18, 2024
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L T P
401 Bulldogs 4 0 0 8 15 25 10
Militia 3 1 0 7 2 15 13
Yetis 3 1 0 6 12 19 7
Sin Bin Snowmen 3 1 0 6 11 22 11
Tropics 2 2 0 5 -5 10 15
Breeze 2 2 0 4 -1 15 16
Maine Timber 1 3 0 3 -2 11 13
TSH Selects 1 3 0 3 -8 12 20
Capitals 1 3 0 3 -8 12 20
Nighthawks 0 4 0 0 -16 6 22


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Friday, August 16, 2024
Game Time Location Away Score Home
P17 9:30 AM Bridgewater Ice Arena Militia
5 4 Capitals
P1 1:20 PM Canton Ice House - Rink 1 Maine Timber
3 1 Nighthawks
P3 1:20 PM Canton Sportsplex Breeze
2 3 Sin Bin Snowmen
P4 1:20 PM Thayer Tropics
0 7 Yetis
P2 1:30 PM Canton Ice House - Rink 2 401 Bulldogs
10 3 TSH Selects
P5 6:40 PM Canton Ice House - Rink 1 Breeze
4 6 401 Bulldogs
P7 6:40 PM Canton Sportsplex Maine Timber
4 5 Capitals
P8 6:40 PM Thayer Nighthawks
3 5 Tropics
P6 6:50 PM Canton Ice House - Rink 2 TSH Selects
3 4 Militia
P15 7:20 PM Boch Ice Center Yetis
6 2 Sin Bin Snowmen
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Game Time Location Away Score Home
P16 7:00 AM Bavis Arena TSH Selects
4 5 Breeze
OT Shootout
P20 8:20 AM Bavis Arena Nighthawks
1 8 Sin Bin Snowmen
P9 12:00 PM Thayer Sin Bin Snowmen
9 2 Capitals
P10 12:10 PM Cadillac Ice Arena - NHL Yetis
2 3 401 Bulldogs
P11 1:20 PM Canton Sportsplex Breeze
4 3 Militia
P12 1:20 PM Pilgrim Skating Arena - Rink 1 Tropics
3 2 Maine Timber
P13 5:20 PM Pilgrim Skating Arena - Rink 2 Capitals
1 2 TSH Selects
P14 5:20 PM Thayer 401 Bulldogs
6 1 Nighthawks
P18 6:40 PM Thayer Militia
3 2 Tropics
P19 6:50 PM Cadillac Ice Arena - NHL Maine Timber
2 4 Yetis
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Game Time Location Away Score Home
B1 10:00 AM Cadillac Ice Arena - NHL 401 Bulldogs
1 3 Sin Bin Snowmen
B2 10:10 AM Cadillac Ice Arena - OLY Militia
1 3 Yetis
B3 2:00 PM Cadillac Ice Arena - NHL Sin Bin Snowmen


Bracket Winner B3
Militia - 1
B2 - Sun 8/18 10:10AM Cadillac Ice Arena - OLY
Yetis - 3
Sin Bin Snowmen
B3 - Sun 8/18 2:00PM Cadillac Ice Arena - NHL
401 Bulldogs - 1
B1 - Sun 8/18 10:00AM Cadillac Ice Arena - NHL
Sin Bin Snowmen - 3