
Tournament Note

Training Legends' Summer Blowout

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Summer Blowout

Jun 17 - 21, 2020
Titans - Orange

13U AAA Champion

Wed Jun 17, 2020 - Sun Jun 21, 2020

Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T
TG D'Backs (Morneau) 2 0 0 11 18 4
Powder Springs Silverhawks 2 0 0 9 19 10
Titans - Orange 1 0 1 7 16 6
East Cobb Angels 1 1 0 -3 9 12
DTB Relentless 1 1 0 3 18 15
Titans - Blue 1 1 0 -3 13 16
Roswell Green Hornets 1 1 0 -3 13 19
East Cobb Braves - White 0 1 1 -4 11 15
NextLVL 0 2 0 -8 8 19
Mavericks 0 2 0 -9 12 21


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Saturday, June 20, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:00 AM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 Titans - Orange
4 4 East Cobb Braves - White
P1 11:00 AM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 Titans - Orange
12 2 NextLVL
P1 1:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 East Cobb Braves - White
7 11 Roswell Green Hornets
P1 2:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 Mavericks
7 11 DTB Relentless
P1 3:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 NextLVL
6 7 East Cobb Angels
P1 4:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 Mavericks
5 10 Powder Springs Silverhawks
P1 5:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 Roswell Green Hornets
2 12 TG D'Backs (Morneau)
P1 6:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 DTB Relentless
7 8 Titans - Blue
P1 7:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 East Cobb Angels
2 6 TG D'Backs (Morneau)
P1 8:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 Powder Springs Silverhawks
9 5 Titans - Blue
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 10:00 AM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 [4] East Cobb Angels
12 11 [5] DTB Relentless
B5 10:00 AM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 [9] NextLVL
7 3 [10] Mavericks
B2 12:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 [2] Powder Springs Silverhawks
0 10 [3] Titans - Orange
B6 12:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 [7] Roswell Green Hornets
5 7 [8] East Cobb Braves - White
B3 2:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 [1] TG D'Backs (Morneau)
9 8 East Cobb Angels
B7 2:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 [6] Titans - Blue
6 9 NextLVL
B4 4:00 PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3 TG D'Backs (Morneau)
0 8 Titans - Orange
B8 4:00 PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4 NextLVL
4 5 East Cobb Braves - White


13u-15u = 1:45 hours
Seeding Process for Bracket Play (Tie Breaker Rules within a Pool):
Game Time Limits are:
5. Run Differential Max. The maximum run differential is 7 per game, regardless of the final score.
4. Runs Scored.
2. Head-to-Head between tied teams if only 2 tied teams. If 3 or more tied teams, use next tiebreaker.
If a bat loses its approval, it cannot be used.
6u-8uCP = 1:15 hours
Bats for 6u-13u: Only approved bats with a 1.15BPF stamp or bats marked with the new USA Baseball stamp.
Forfeits are scored as 7-0.
Max 7 innings/game for 13U - 15U.
Max 6 innings/game for 5U - 12U.
6. Coin Flip.
11u-12u = 1:45 hours
Pitching rules can be found at
EJECTIONS: Zero tolerance. If a coach, player or fan is ejected, that person must become out of sight and out of sound.
1. Win-Loss record.
8uKP-10u = 1:30 hours
3. Runs Allowed.
MERCY RULE: Game ends with a lead of 15 after 3 innings, 10 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings.
Bats for 14u+: Only approved bats with a BBCOR -3 stamp. 15u+ legal wood bats.
Time limits in championship games are dependent on the time of year. Please check with a TL Site Director.
All 13U players must use an approved bat that is no lighter than drop 5 (-5). 13u must comply with 14u rules if playing up.
13U AAA Gold Bracket
13U AAA Silver Bracket
Titans - Orange
13U AAA Gold Champion
East Cobb Braves - White
13U AAA Silver Champion
[4] East Cobb Angels - 12
B1 - Sun 6/21 10:00AM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3
[5] DTB Relentless - 11
TG D'Backs (Morneau) - 0
B4 - Sun 6/21 4:00PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3
Titans - Orange - 8
[2] Powder Springs Silverhawks - 0
B2 - Sun 6/21 12:00PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3
[3] Titans - Orange - 10
[1] TG D'Backs (Morneau) - 9
B3 - Sun 6/21 2:00PM New Georgia Park - NGA, Field 3
East Cobb Angels - 8
[6] Titans - Blue - 6
B7 - Sun 6/21 2:00PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4
NextLVL - 9
[9] NextLVL - 7
B5 - Sun 6/21 10:00AM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4
[10] Mavericks - 3
NextLVL - 4
B8 - Sun 6/21 4:00PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4
East Cobb Braves - White - 5
[7] Roswell Green Hornets - 5
B6 - Sun 6/21 12:00PM Riverview Park - RIV, Field 4
[8] East Cobb Braves - White - 7