
Tournament Note

Team Check-in -
*** = Team hasn't completed Tourney Machine roster. Go to click registration. Team must complete information provided to be ranked, evaluated and stats.

All Teams (Coaches Only) MUST check-in 1 hour prior to the first game. Teams will need the following items at check-in and will need to have access to until the event concludes:
- Complete and print Roster
- Teams will receive 2 coaching bands per team.
- Coach's name must be on the team roster to receive band.
- Coaching bands are to be worn the entire weekend.
- Teams that fail to check-in will not be allowed to participate.

Check in at headquarter locations below:

17U-14U Check-in HQ: Ragsdale High School, 1000 Lucy Ragsdale Dr, Jamestown, NC 27282
13U-9U Check-in HQ: Page High School, 201 Alma Pinnix Dr, Greensboro, NC 27405

Home team is bottom team/second team listed and wears home color.

Good luck to all teams!

17U Blue Boys


May 20 - 21, 2017
Greensboro, NC • Jamestown, NC
SportsEngine Tourney

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The City (2 - 1)
17U Blue Boys


Saturday, May 20, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B4 2:00 PM Ragsdale HS - Court 2 The City
59 57 U-Nique All Stars
B9 7:00 PM Jamestown Middle James River Blaze
60 54 The City
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B21 12:00 PM Page HS - Court 2 The City
61 43 Academy Prep