
Tournament Note

All teams must have rosters submitted online prior to the tournament.
NO Metal cleats on portable pitching mounds!
NO outside food or drink, NO Pets, NO COOLERS!
Rainout Hotline: 314-514-4111

13U A/AA Format: All teams will play 2 pool games. After pool play, teams will seeded #1 - #10 for bracket play.
Teams seeded #1-#6 will play in the Gold Bracket. Individual/Team awards
Teams seeded #7 - #10 will play in the Silver Bracket. Team award.

13U A/AA

6th Annual June Classic - Ozzies O'Fallon, MO / Woodlands/Strehl Fields

Jun 2 - 3, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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Rawlings Tigers - Gilmore (2 - 1)
13U A/AA


Saturday, June 02, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 2:25 PM Ozzie Smith Sports Complex - Field D Rawlings Tigers - Gilmore
2 1 ILMO Storm
P5 4:05 PM Ozzie Smith Sports Complex - Field D Rawlings Tigers - Gilmore
10 5 Recruits Baseball Club- Cross
Sunday, June 03, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B3 10:00 AM Ozzie Smith Sports Complex - Field F Jefferson County Orioles Silver
7 2 [2] Rawlings Tigers - Gilmore


Aiden Cizek
Kyle Byrne
Brayden Gilmore
Preston Achter
Ben Seavy
Tyler Ellis
Max Mentel
Kannon Hibbs
Hayden Brunner
Hutton Trout
Nolan Bohannan