
Tournament Note

Coaches must complete Tourney Machine stats roster prior to event.
*** team needs to complete roster
Complete roster here:

TEAM CHECK IN LOCATION (Coaches only) (Check-in at least 1 hour prior to start time, Check-in opens at 8:00 AM on Saturday):
HQ Check-in: Gateway YWCA - 1300 South Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27127

Top Team/First Team Listed is home team and wears white.

Good luck to all teams!

17U Boys

BIG SHOTS WINSTON SALEM (Winston Salem, NC | 17U-9U Boys)

Apr 14 - 15, 2018
Winston Salem, NC
SportsEngine Tourney

Install the mobile app for this event at:

Livestream all of your sports moments

TLBA (2 - 1)
17U Boys


Saturday, April 14, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B3 1:00 PM Gateway YWCA - Ct 2 Team Cobras
66 73 TLBA
B10 4:00 PM Gateway YWCA - Ct 2 TLBA
77 73 WCBA Elite Blue 2019
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B17 12:00 PM William G White YMCA - Ct 2 Team Winston 17U
66 64 TLBA