
16 and Under Open (South Bay)

Battle of the Bay

Jun 2 - 3, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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Foundry Baseball .45's 14u (3 - 1)
16 and Under Open (South Bay)


Saturday, June 02, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 12:30 PM Mission San Jose HS Foundry Baseball .45's 14u
3 2 Hit Club 16u
P4 2:45 PM Mission San Jose HS Foundry Baseball .45's 14u
11 10 Bay Area United- HS Prep
Sunday, June 03, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B5 8:00 AM Mission San Jose HS [2] Foundry Baseball .45's 14u
6 4 [3] Hit Club 16u
B7 12:30 PM Mission San Jose HS CCB 14u Elite
5 0 Foundry Baseball .45's 14u


Athlete Jersey Number
Zach Butterfield 2
Kai Holm 5
Tyson Smith 6
Jackson Vontz 7
Rahmi Ismael 8
Ben Singler 9
Jack Giesler 11
Nicky Hart 14
Justin Deppiesse 20
Zak Sullivan 22
Garret Faure 24
Tanner Ellis 25
Nico Andrighetto 31
Dillon Goetz 35
Zach Elkington 42
Chris Dodge 44
Roman Gambelin 51
Nicholas Barrese 65