
16 and Under AAA

Battle of the Bay

Jun 2 - 3, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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GEB - 2021's & 2022's (2 - 1)
16 and Under AAA


Saturday, June 02, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 12:30 PM American HS Sandlot Baseball 14u
5 8 GEB - 2021's & 2022's
P4 2:45 PM American HS GEB - 2021's & 2022's
8 3 Starting LineUp
Sunday, June 03, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B6 10:15 AM American HS [1] GEB - 2021's & 2022's
5 8 [4] Sandlot Baseball 14u


Athlete Jersey Number
Matthew Kinoshita
Matthew Okino
Dylan Trammell
Justin Wey
Nolan Degener
Jack Seelye
Gabe Martinez
Anthony Chaney
Andrew Bollinger
Kai Breese
Spencer Daganzo
Adam Harper
Raymond Valero
Jakob Boyle
Jase Ushiro
Everett Sundstrom
Devin Mason