
13 and Under AA

Last Chance Showdown

Jul 28 - 29, 2018
Fremont, CA • Santa Clara, CA • Sunnyvale, CA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Headfirst 13U Blackhawks (1 - 2)
13 and Under AA


Saturday, July 28, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Twin Creeks Sports Complex - Field 3 East Bay Bandits
11 10 Headfirst 13U Blackhawks
P0 12:30 PM Twin Creeks Sports Complex - Field 3 Mission City Baseball
6 15 Headfirst 13U Blackhawks
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B8 8:00 AM Lou Vierra [4] Team First Blue
6 3 [5] Headfirst 13U Blackhawks


Athlete Jersey Number
Carter Bergen
Aaron Bronnenberg
Jeffrey Goldberg
Ben Dowler
Evan Kent
Landen Meonske
Felix Miranda
Jack Maggiora
Lukas Threlkeld
Xander Stoltenberg
Andy Sabo
Samuel Broughton
Riley Hicks
Anthony Jimenez
Danny McInnis
Jaye Ghio
Logan Bayani 4
Zac Goldenberg 26