
18 and Under Open

14th Annual Fall Brawl

Sep 22 - 23, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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Living Legends 18u Gray (1 - 2)
18 and Under Open


Saturday, September 22, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 12:30 PM Twin Creeks - Field 10 BSA Titans 18U
5 11 Living Legends 18u Gray
P8 5:00 PM Twin Creeks - Field 10 Living Legends 18u Gray
3 9 Bay Area Elite Cardinal
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B10 8:00 AM American High School [4] Bay Area Elite Cardinal
3 2 [5] Living Legends 18u Gray


James Coogan
Brandon Pitts
Brian Ozawa Burns
Spencer Tracy
Noah Thurm
Casey Latini
Sean Chang
Anthony Meza
Kai Mizuta
Gilbert Murrillo
Jacob Nachshen
Curran Ozawa Burns
Joshua Caravalho
Michael Dixson
Matthew Maloney