
2009/2010 Girls

Nashville, TN "Under the Lights"

Jul 13 - 14, 2019
White House, TN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Triple Threat, Nashville (1 - 3)
2009/2010 Girls


Saturday, July 13, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P2 3:00 PM W.L. Anderson - Field 02 Chicks With Kicks
2 1 Triple Threat, Nashville
P6 4:00 PM W.L. Anderson - Field 04 S.W.A.T.
0 5 Triple Threat, Nashville
P10 5:00 PM W.L. Anderson - Field 04 Triple Threat, Nashville
1 7 RockStars
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P13 10:00 AM W.L. Anderson - Field 03 Blaze
6 2 Triple Threat, Nashville


Hudson Frericks
Josie Johnson
Melloy Madray
Emily Long
Raleigh Tassa
Lillian Morrissey