
7th Grade

15th Annual Jammin In Jasper 2019

Feb 22 - 24, 2019
Jasper, IN
SportsEngine Tourney

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7-Robinson Maroons-MT (1 - 2)
7th Grade


Saturday, February 23, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P12 12:20 PM Ireland Elem. Toyota Highlander 7-Robinson Maroons-MT
35 30 7-Evansville Memorial Tigers
P18 4:40 PM JMS - Toyota Sienna (Black) 7-Muhlenberg Miners
61 42 7-Robinson Maroons-MT
B19 7:10 PM Chevy Equinox (Cabby Gym) [2] 7-Robinson Maroons-MT
33 47 [2] 7-Reitz Panthers