
2008/2009 Girls

Media, PA

Jun 8, 2019
Media, PA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Upper Dublin Red Raptors (1 - 3)
2008/2009 Girls


Saturday, June 08, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P2 9:30 AM Sleighton Park - Field 6 Upper Dublin Red Raptors
0 5 ISF Trilogy G09
P3 10:30 AM Sleighton Park - Field 5 FSA 09 GirlPower
12 2 Upper Dublin Red Raptors
P6 12:30 PM Sleighton Park - Field 6 SB 2010
7 2 Upper Dublin Red Raptors
B1 1:30 PM Sleighton Park - Field 5 [3] SB 2010
2 3 [4] Upper Dublin Red Raptors


Madison Miller
Madeline Shapiro
Sophia Wolverton
Tara Ciolko
Grace Lieb
Rebecca McKeown