
Girls 9th/10th Grade

Loudoun Invitational Tournament

May 17 - 19, 2019
SportsEngine Tourney

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SQBA Lady Hustle (0 - 3)
Girls 9th/10th Grade


Saturday, May 18, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 11:15 AM Harper Park Middle School - Main SQBA Lady Hustle
32 62 Vogues DeHaven
P4 3:35 PM Farmwell Middle School - Main Winchester Rising Stars
46 25 SQBA Lady Hustle
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B4 12:50 PM Broad Run High School - Aux CBSA - 9th Grade Girls - Swann
51 38 SQBA Lady Hustle