
2010 Boys

Hot Springs, AR

Jun 1, 2019
Hot Springs, AR
SportsEngine Tourney

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The Raptors (1 - 3)
2010 Boys


Saturday, June 01, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P5 9:30 AM Munro Soccer Fields - Field 4 Hot Springs 2010
4 1 The Raptors
P3 10:30 AM Munro Soccer Fields - Field 5 The Raptors
1 5 Hot Springs Kangaroo's 2010's
P8 11:30 AM Munro Soccer Fields - Field 4 The Raptors
6 0 Vipers
P10 12:30 PM Munro Soccer Fields - Field 3 Arkansas Storm 2010'
4 2 The Raptors


Noe Bueno
Harris Huisman
David Riggin
Brody Davey
Owen Plummer