
2011 Boys

Hartland, MI

Jul 20, 2019
Hartland, MI
SportsEngine Tourney

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Canton Chaos 2 (1 - 3)
2011 Boys


Saturday, July 20, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P1 10:00 AM Heritage - Field 05 Genesee Soccer Stars
3 0 Canton Chaos 2
P3 11:30 AM Heritage - Field 05 Canton Chaos 2
5 12 Lightning
P5 1:00 PM Heritage - Field 05 Chaos
2 3 Canton Chaos 2
B1 2:30 PM Heritage - Field 05 [3] Canton Chaos 2
3 5 [4] Chaos


Colin Gibbons
Carson Richardson
Rami Fadel
Marco Vano