

Florida Regional Championships (Vero Beach, FL)

Jun 29 - 30, 2019
Vero Beach, FL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Dangerous Pumas (4 - 0)


Sunday, June 30, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P2 10:00 AM Hobart Soccer Complex - Field 10 Vipers2010
0 10 Dangerous Pumas
P3 11:00 AM Hobart Soccer Complex - Field 10 Dangerous Pumas
9 3 PB Yellow Jackets
P5 1:00 PM Hobart Soccer Complex - Field 10 Dangerous Pumas
10 0 Vipers2010
P6 2:00 PM Hobart Soccer Complex - Field 10 PB Yellow Jackets
1 11 Dangerous Pumas