
2010 Girls Gold

Gateway Regional Championship (St. Louis, MO)

Aug 3 - 4, 2019
Fenton, MO
SportsEngine Tourney

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KIXX GIRLS 2010 (4 - 1 - 1)
2010 Girls Gold


Saturday, August 03, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P5 10:00 AM World Wide Tech - Field 01B KIXX GIRLS 2010
3 2 MD United
P2 11:00 AM World Wide Tech - Field 03D KIXX GIRLS 2010
7 0 GP United
P8 3:00 PM World Wide Tech - Field 01B KIXX GIRLS 2010
5 3 Strikers
P10 4:30 PM World Wide Tech - Field 01B Madrinas SC Goal Diggers
2 2 KIXX GIRLS 2010
Sunday, August 04, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
B2 12:00 PM World Wide Tech - Field 03D [2] KIXX GIRLS 2010
0 1 [3] MD United
B5 1:30 PM World Wide Tech - Field 03C KIXX GIRLS 2010
2 1 Strikers


Maura Wessel
Grace Harris
Layla Wilkerson
Josie Parker
Jocelyn Mitchell
Emerson Morris