
2008-2009 Girls

Northeast Regional Championship (Valley Forge, PA)

Aug 3 - 4, 2019
Conshohocken, PA
SportsEngine Tourney

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ISF Trilogy G09 (2 - 5)
2008-2009 Girls


Saturday, August 03, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P9 10:30 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 02 ISF Trilogy G09
2 6 Rebels
P1 11:30 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 02 Ambler Red Alert
6 4 ISF Trilogy G09
P4 12:30 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 02 ISF Trilogy G09
1 4 Pitch Perfect
P8 2:30 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 01 JT Dorsey Foundation
2 5 ISF Trilogy G09
Sunday, August 04, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
B1 10:00 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 01 [4] ISF Trilogy G09
4 2 [5] JT Dorsey Foundation
B3 11:00 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 01 [1] Ambler Red Alert
10 5 ISF Trilogy G09
B5 12:00 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 02 Rebels
8 2 ISF Trilogy G09


Madelyn Ryan
Grace Sung
Emily Mussaw
Marlow Manison
Jaidyn Bichell
Allison Lindner
Kate Riismandel
Londyn Minor
Ella Stambaugh