
12U Reno

Last Stop - Reno

Jul 27 - 28, 2019
Reno, NV
SportsEngine Tourney

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Northern Nevada Tilt 12u (3 - 2)
12U Reno


Saturday, July 27, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P10 1:00 PM RSC - F1 Concord Glory
4 10 Northern Nevada Tilt 12u
P12 2:30 PM RSC - F1 Northern Nevada Tilt 12u
6 0 Nevada Hotshots 12u - Arthurs
P14 5:30 PM RSC - F1 Folsom Freedom McCabe
9 1 Northern Nevada Tilt 12u
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:30 AM RSC - F4 [2] Nevada Wildcats
5 9 [2] Northern Nevada Tilt 12u
B3 12:30 PM IDWD - (F-2) [1] Foothill Gold Williams
8 4 Northern Nevada Tilt 12u