
13 and Under Major (Twin Creeks)

Spring PGBA Premier 2019

Apr 6 - 7, 2019
SportsEngine Tourney

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CBA Sacramento Wildcats 13U (0 - 3)
13 and Under Major (Twin Creeks)


Saturday, April 06, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P7 5:00 PM Twin Creeks - Field 1 Foundry Baseball .45's 13u
9 2 CBA Sacramento Wildcats 13U
P8 7:15 PM Twin Creeks - Field 1 Kali 13u White
6 3 CBA Sacramento Wildcats 13U
Sunday, April 07, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B9 8:00 AM Twin Creeks - Field 1 [2] Team High Order
8 0 [7] CBA Sacramento Wildcats 13U


Athlete Jersey Number
Jake Mckowen
Kellen Colyer
Jeremiah Preciado
Coy Clements
Caden Smith
Colton Chavez
Logan Dunbar
Wyatt Holthaus
Luke Oyler
Peter Bostic
Jordan Lopez
Jayle Brower
Nolan Miller
Talan Fields
Jonathan Moran
Jason Somera Jr
Jackson Halverson
Santiago Sandoval 34