
2012 Boys

Montgomery, AL

Jun 29, 2019
Montgomery, AL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Express (Green) (3 - 1)
2012 Boys


Saturday, June 29, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P2 9:30 AM YMCA - Field 02 Smiths Station Express (White)
0 10 Express (Green)
P4 10:30 AM YMCA - Field 02 BarzaU8
2 4 Express (Green)
P5 12:30 PM YMCA - Field 01 Express (Green)
4 5 Shooting Stars 2012 BES
B2 1:30 PM YMCA - Field 02 [1] Shooting Stars 2012 BES
4 6 [2] Express (Green)


Wade Sauerwine
Lucas Boyd
Corbin Favors
Tyson Tyner