
Girls -?2026 (5th Grade)

2019 LI LaxFest

Jun 15 - 16, 2019
Farmingdale, NY
SportsEngine Tourney

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Liberty Lax 2026 Red (1 - 2)
Girls -?2026 (5th Grade)


Saturday, June 15, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 7:30 AM 1-Nold - Field 03 NYL 2026
12 4 Liberty Lax 2026 Red
P13 8:56 AM 1-Nold - Field 03 T9-2026
3 10 Liberty Lax 2026 Red
P20 10:22 AM 1-Nold - Field 02 Liberty Lax 2026 Red
8 10 LI Jesters Freedom 2026