
18 and Under Open (GHS)

Fall State Championship 2019

Oct 4 - 6, 2019
SportsEngine Tourney

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California Bulldogs 17U (1 - 2)
18 and Under Open (GHS)


Saturday, October 05, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 12:20 PM Gilroy High School North Bay Bruins Elite
3 12 California Bulldogs 17U
P4 2:30 PM Gilroy High School Boys of Summer-Tribe
8 1 California Bulldogs 17U
Sunday, October 06, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B5 9:00 AM Gilroy High School [2] Boys of Summer-Tribe
7 0 [3] California Bulldogs 17U


Athlete Jersey Number
Juan Leon
Malcolm Hsu
William Florio
Matteo Romeo
Guiliano Moller
Nathan Marcus
Young Won Kwak
Cameron Bachman
Hudson Mesa
Adam Saich
Ben Makarechian
Jackson Ellis
Nathan Hoang
Justin Walker
Reilley Bennette
David Rizkalla
Cole Dixon
Josh Quinn
Trevor Green
Rohan Patel
Dominic Steiner
jacob Moore
Maddox Sakakida
Ryan Chen
Cole Giusto
Jordan Giusto
Austin Wang
Bobby Wang
Spurlock 10
Potmesil 28