

National All Star Games 2020

Sep 26 - 27, 2020
Aberdeen, MD
SportsEngine Tourney

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New England (4 - 1)


Saturday, September 26, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 10:00 AM CARSINS RUN FIELDS - Field J New England
10 7 Mid America
P15 3:00 PM CARSINS RUN FIELDS - Field D New England
10 5 New York
P19 5:30 PM CARSINS RUN FIELDS - Field C New England
7 6 Pacific North West
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B2 11:30 AM CARSINS RUN FIELDS - Field K [1] New England
8 4 [4] Pacific North West
B8 2:00 PM CARSINS RUN FIELDS - Field F Maryland
12 3 New England