

University of Louisville - Midwest T.O.C.

Jun 17 - 20, 2021
Hanover, IN • Louisville, KY
SportsEngine Tourney

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KBA 17u/18u (0 - 4)


Thursday, June 17, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 6:00 PM Eastern High School KBA 17u/18u
5 6 Sluggers Baseball Club 17/18
Friday, June 18, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P19 3:45 PM St. Matthews - McCandless Commonwealth 17U Grays Black
7 6 KBA 17u/18u
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P62 11:15 AM Pleasure Ridge Park High School KBA 17u/18u
7 12 Indiana Primetime 17U - VanOeveren
P34 1:30 PM Pleasure Ridge Park High School Indiana Expos National
13 4 KBA 17u/18u


Tyler Walton
Tre Brown
Austin Vincent
Braden Kettenring
Skyler Haddix
Luke Parrigin
Zac Ziehm
Parker Hoagland
Chase Zipper
Andrew Geis
Matthew Pennington
Braden Renfro
Daniel Terrazas
Taka Kiuchi