
Tournament Note

Open to Men & Women 18 and older, up to 8 players on a team, only 4 on the ice at a time. Paying homage to the game we remember as kids playing together on the pond. Each team is guaranteed 4 round-robin games spread out over the weekend.

While these games are JUST FOR FUN - we've found that it is more fun to play against teams that are somewhat balanced (no guarantees). Teams in the division are out here solely for the love of the game, comradery, and a well earned beverage. Just learning to skate, or haven't skated in decades and don't want to embarrass yourself - this is the division for you to!

Teams keep their own score, and monitor game play. Have FUN!

Just for Fun

2023 Maine Pond Hockey Classic

Feb 10 - 12, 2023
Sidney, ME
SportsEngine Tourney

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MDFPR (0 - 0)
Just for Fun


Saturday, February 11, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P10 9:00 AM Maine Pond Hockey Classic - Rink 5 MDFPR
Old Buzzards (50+)
P7 11:15 AM Maine Pond Hockey Classic - Rink 3 Mighty Ducks
P9 3:45 PM Maine Pond Hockey Classic - Rink 2 MDFPR
Mid Ice Crisis
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 10:45 AM Maine Pond Hockey Classic - Rink 2 MDFPR
Golden Pond Wealth


Josh Giroux
Sean Lombard
Adrian Rice
Julia McDonald
Hope Rovelto
Derek Tardiff
Richard Beaudoin
Jenny Pisculli