
Tournament Note

June 2 Player Camp Registration

18A at Service Club in Kent
16A at Hogan Park in Kent
16B and 14B and 12U in Federal Way
14A in Mount Vernon


Young Sluggers NW Classic/"FUTURE STARS Exposure Camp and Showcase Games"

Jun 3 - 4, 2023
Federal Way, WA • Kent, WA • Mount Vernon, WA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Fury Red 16u - Karabach (3 - 1 - 1)


Saturday, June 03, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:30 AM Celebration Park - Field 3 Fury Red 16u - Karabach
6 1 Titans 16U
P4 10:00 AM Celebration Park - Field 4 Giants Fastpitch- Hillstead
3 8 Fury Red 16u - Karabach
P7 1:00 PM Celebration Park - Field 1 Fury Red 16u - Karabach
8 8 Seattle Spice
Sunday, June 04, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B9 9:00 AM Celebration Park - Field 3 [2] Fury Red 16u - Karabach
10 2 [7] Giants Fastpitch- Hillstead
B12 10:45 AM Celebration Park - Field 4 Fury Red 16u - Karabach
4 10 Titans 16U