
Tournament Note

75th LBAA Nationals


75th Lutheran Basketball Association of America National Tournament

Mar 24 - 26, 2023
Ft Wayne, IN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Immanuel - Macomb MI (0 - 2)


Friday, March 24, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B10 11:30 AM TS - #1 Holy Cross - Indianapolis IN
29 18 Immanuel - Macomb MI
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B37 5:50 PM TS - #3 St.Peters - Columbus IN
38 22 Immanuel - Macomb MI


Athlete Athlete ID Jersey Number Height Position
Lina Thorpe 7 00 5'7 C
Samantha Whitlam 8 3 5'0 G
Jessica Probst 8 11 5'4 G
Leighton Garner 8 21 5'10 F
Savannah Bobcean 7 23 5'5 G
JoHanna Maiorana 8 31 5'2 G
Leah Safran 8 41 5'4 G
Christina Rosenow 8 44 5'11 F
Kendall Wargo 7 55 5'7 C