
Tournament Note

6:50 A.M. The tournament is RAINED OUT for the remainder of the weekend. There is a detailed message on the rain line if you care to listen to it. 724-651-6352 We appreciate your participation and hopefully understanding.

10 & Under

Battle in the Burgh

Jun 30 - Jul 2, 2023
SportsEngine Tourney

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AC River's Fury (0 - 3)
10 & Under


Friday, June 30, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 8:00 AM Green Valley - Field 4 AC River's Fury (Pool C 10U)
0 15 Passion 10U- Steigerwald (Pool C 10U)
P10 10:40 AM Green Valley - Field 4 Bullpen Bulls 10u - Putt (Pool C 10U)
8 2 AC River's Fury (Pool C 10U)
Saturday, July 01, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P26 4:00 PM Green Valley - Field 4 AC River's Fury (Pool C 10U)
0 9 Pittsburgh Tigers 10u-Williams (Pool C 10U)
Sunday, July 02, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B4 1:20 PM Green Valley - Field 4 [8] AC River's Fury (Pool C 10U)
[1] Team Pennsylvania 10u - Larcinese (Pool D 10U)