
Men's C

USA Men's "C" National

Sep 1 - 4, 2023
Troutville, VA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Cubby's (1 - 2)
Men's C


Saturday, September 02, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
B2 8:00 AM Botetourt Sports Complex - Field 3 Cubby's
14 11 Demars Softball
B13 5:00 PM Botetourt Sports Complex - Field 2 Minnesota Maniax/BSA
25 9 Cubby's
B20 8:00 PM Botetourt Sports Complex - Field 2 Cubby's
5 17 Smokes & Cokes/Haterz


Zach Ruf
Dustin Eckert
Logan Miller
Joshua Felmlee
Kris Howe
Devin Dachel
Derek Kahl
Jacob Goodman
Kaleb Miller
Austin Kittelson
Brent Miller
Bryce Smetana
Justis Knutson
Alexander Lisiecki