
~12 YO AA

~2023~9s,10s,11s,12s,13s,14s,15s YO, North Dakota State Tournaments

Jul 26 - 30, 2023
SportsEngine Tourney

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Fargo AA Reds (4 - 0)
~12 YO AA


Thursday, July 27, 2023
Game Time Location Away Score Home
P2 8:00 AM Elmwood Park - ELM1 Fargo AA Reds
7 3 Wahpeton
P4 1:00 PM Elmwood Park - ELM1 Fargo AA Reds
4 3 Bismarck AA
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Game Time Location Away Score Home
B2 3:30 PM Elmwood Park - ELM2 [1] Fargo AA Reds
1 0 [2] Devils Lake
B3 8:00 PM Elmwood Park - ELM1 Bismarck AA
6 10 Fargo AA Reds