Men's Doubles 4.0

Kentucky Amateur Open @ Tom Sawyer State Park

Jun 3 - 4, 2023
Louisville, KY
SportsEngine Tourney

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Bradley Gatewood/Drew Fulkerson (2 - 3)
Men's Doubles 4.0


Saturday, June 03, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P14 12:00 PM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 1 Nick Benge/Keith Petty
11 7 Bradley Gatewood/Drew Fulkerson
P2 12:20 PM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 2 Bradley Gatewood/Drew Fulkerson
10 12 Doug Martin/Paul Morris
P7 1:00 PM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 1 Bradley Gatewood/Drew Fulkerson
11 5 Edward Gardner/Aiden Bartlett
P11 1:20 PM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 1 Bradley Gatewood/Drew Fulkerson
5 11 Anthony Walker/Bruan Snow
B6 1:40 PM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 3 [6] Bradley Gatewood/Drew Fulkerson
9 0 [7] Edward Gardner/Aiden Bartlett