Tournament Note
FIELDS 1-2-3 are dirt fields - FIELDS 4-10 ARE TURF FIELDSGATE: CASH ONLY $10/ Day $20/WEEKEND, Senior citizens (65 and older) $5/ Day $10/WEEKEND . Kids 10 and under - FreeCROWN POINT RULESCROWN POINT SPORTSPLEX RULESTo preserve the quality of the Crown Point Sports Plex and provide a clean and healthyenvironment upon admittance you agree to the following:• NO metal spikes are permitted on fields 4-10. Tennis shoes, turf shoes and rubber cleats areacceptable to wear on these fields.• NO athletic field use without prior written approval from the Crown Point Pace Department.• NO gum, sunflower seeds or shelled nuts allowed inside the main gates to the complex.• NO portable heaters will be allowed in the complex.• NO mixed or colored sports drinks are allowed on the turf fields or in the dugouts.• NO outside food or drink is permitted.• NO skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, roller shoes, scooters, bicycles etc.• NO flip drills/soft toss/batting of any kind against any complex fencing is allowed.• NO outside alcoholic beverages of any kind will be allowed on the ENTIRE complex property.• NO fireworks or any open flame.• NO unauthorized use of model planes, rockets, or recreational/professional drones.• NO littering, please clean up after yourself.• NO outside solicitations will be allowed. Only complex sponsors will be allowed to distribute orcirculate commercial advertisement at the complex. This includes the parking lots as well.• NO folding chairs, pop-up tents, or any type of outdoor furniture permitted on the synthetic turf fieldsunless deemed appropriate.• NO person shall engage in the sale of merchandise or operate any concession or engage in commercialactivity without prior written approval from the Crown Point Pace Department.• NO pets are allowed inside the gates of the Crown Point Sports Plex with the exception of serviceanimals. No animals are allowed on any of the synthetic playing surfaces.• Disorderly conduct and physical/verbal assault will not be tolerated. Players, coaches, or fans inviolation of this policy will be ejected for the remainder of the event.• Proper attire is always required. Footwear is always required. Anyone with inappropriate or explicitclothing will be askes to leave the premises.• Smoking and ALL tobacco products, including but not limited to, E-cigarettes and vaping, areprohibited.• Service animals must always be on a leash, with identification bib. Please clean up service animalwaste.• Specific permission from the facility management is required prior to posting any signs or decorations.• Loudspeakers or artificial noise makers are prohibited unless prior consent is given.• Private vehicles are prohibited on turf surfaces, sidewalks, service driveways, drop off zones andemergency zones. Any vehicle found in an unauthorized parking area or one that impedes theappropriate parking of others will be ticketed and towed at the owners expense.• There may be a charge for parking at the Crown Point Sports Plex.• Overnight parking is prohibited including but not limited to, RV’s and campers.Office: 219-661-2271 183 S. West St., Crown Point, IN 46307 Fax: GraperDirector of PACEParks, Athletics, Communications and EntertainmentCITY OF CROWN POINT PACEPeter D. LandMayorPaul WaisnoraAthletics Superintendent• Glass/aluminum/Metal bottles or containers are prohibited in the complex.• Grills or cookers are prohibited within the complex property, INCLUDING parking areas.• Park maybe closed at any time due to safety related concerns.• Gates will open 1 hour before events begin.• Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate removal from the park.80 MINUTE GAMES - RULES LISTED BELOWSHOWCASE RULES80-minute Round Robin games. Finish the Inning, NO NEW INNING STARTS AFTER 75 MINUTES* LINEUPS –We will allow roster batting.Courtesy runner for pitcher and catcher only may be last- batted out or a substitute.Start Back Pitching Rule – Once the pitcher initially sets the toe of her stride foot, she may not step, drag, or slide back any farther.Run rules: 10-after 4, 8- after 5, 6- after 6 and 1 after 7Home team is decided by coin toss. Home Team Score Book is considered the Official Score Book.*THE EASTON GHOST BATS WITH GOLD PRINTING IS ILLEGAL THIS TOURNAMENT – THIS IS YOUR VERBAL WARNING.
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Last Updated Sun 10/1/2023 5:25 PM
Last Updated Sun 10/1/2023 7:06 PM
Last Updated Sun 10/1/2023 6:29 PM