
Tournament Note

Welcome to The King of the Hill Lacrosse Festival. A long standing event within the Jamesville DeWitt community. The festival includes competitive scholastic competition from all over Upstate, New York and beyond. We are proud to say that we welcome more and more teams every year! The festival invites BOY/GIRL Divisions grades 1/2-7/8. Each team is guaranteed 3 games. New this year~ 7/8th graders will be offered a fourth game to see who is truly crowned the King of the Hill (merch prize for the 7/8 winners). The event includes a downloadable team photo, vendors, popular t-shirts , yummy food trucks of all sorts, games/prizes and more! Such a wonderful day for everyone involved! We are excited for you to be a part of it!

The 2024 King of The Hill Festival

Jun 2, 2024
SportsEngine Tourney

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