
Tournament Note



Big League Dreams Youth Tournament Entrance Fees
• Patrons 13 years and older pay $8.00 upon entry.
• Players 18 and under dressed in uniform and participating in a sport are admitted free.
• Spectators 12 and under are admitted FREE!
​Park Guidelines
• If you leave the park, and plan to return the same day, please get a hand stamp for re-entry.
• NO FOOD, BEVERAGES, or ICE CHESTS/COOLERS may be brought into the park. The only items that may be brought in the park are bottled water, fruit, seeds and nuts.
• Players may bring in round water coolers/jugs filled with water only. BLD will also have round water coolers/jugs in the dugout which they will fill with ice and water throughout the day.
• Overnight Recreation Vehicle parking is NOT allowed at any Big League Dreams Facility.
• Alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted to be consumed in the parking lot area at any time.
• Audible music players are not allowed to be played inside the park.

Please review all Big League Dreams policies on their website

Rosetta Canyon Tournament Entrance Fees
-There will be a $5 gate fee for all spectators 12 and over. Players, Coaches, college coaches, and children under 12 are free. Spectators are to enter between the red and blue fields entrance or green and orange field entrance.
Absolutely no alcohol or tobacco products will be permitted inside the Rosetta Canyon Sport Park complex. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in ejection from the complex. Alcohol is also not permitted in the parking lot.

Gum, Sunflower Seeds and any Shelled Nuts are NOT PERMITTED at Rosetta Canyon Sports Park. This includes spitting seeds or shelled nuts into a cup or any other container. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in ejection from the complex.

SEEDING PROCEDURE (First factor is Win-Loss record)
Two Way Tie
1. Head to Head between tied teams
2. Total Run differential
3. Runs Allowed
4. Runs Scored
5. Actual run differential in last pool game
6. Coin Flip

Three (or more) Way Tie
1. Head to Head (if sweep)
2. Total Run differential
3. Runs Allowed
4. Runs Scored
5. Actual run differential in last pool game
6. Coin Flip

RA=Runs Allowed
RS=Runs Scored
LAD=Last Actual Differential

IMPORTANT: Run differential maximum
1. Forfeits will be scored 7-0
2. Maximum run spread per game is 7 regardless of score.
Note: When 3 or more teams are tied and there is not a common opponent amongst all tied teams, run differential is the first tie breaker.
Ties will be counted as a .5 win and .5 loss.


May 4 - 5, 2024
Lake Elsinore, CA • Perris, CA
SportsEngine Tourney

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